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.Net Razor + Passing Raw HTML into @helper macro




I want to pass raw html into a @helper macro... is this possible? For instance:

@helper oneColumn(string content) {
<div class="row">               
  <div class="twelve columns">

  <h1 id="page-heading">HELLO WORLD!</h1>
like image 369
worked Avatar asked Jun 27 '13 13:06


2 Answers

@helper oneColumn(Func<dynamic,HelperResult> content) {
<div class="row">               
  <div class="twelve columns">

@put.oneColumn( @<h1 id="page-heading">HELLO WORLD!</h1>)
like image 173
Maslow Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10


Use the @Html.Raw HTML helper, or make content an IHtmlString.

like image 34
Daniel A. White Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10

Daniel A. White