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.NET Log or View Call / Response of a SOAP WebService

What is the best way to inspect the calls & responses from a web service in .NET?
I'm interacting with a Web Service written in Perl and running into issues.
How can I capture the text of the call and response?

Based on comment to clarify: I'd like to do it via .NET so I can log it or email it when an issue arises.

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BuddyJoe Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 20:12


2 Answers

You can do this by creating a SoapExtension and enabling it in your web service client:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapExtension Class (MSDN)

The link above provides a skeleton of sample code that logs requests/responses to a file.

To enable in your application add the following to your web.config or app.config:

        <add type="YourNamespace.TraceExtension, AssemblyName" 
             priority="0" group="High"/>

My own SOAP tracing extension is implemented in its own project/assembly. Whenever I need to debug the request/response I just drop the DLL in the application folder (/bin for ASP.NET) and add the reference to the config file as above.

For example:

         type="DebugTools.SOAP.SOAPTrace.SoapTraceExtension, DebugTools.SOAP" 
         priority="0" group="High"/>

DebugTools.SOAP.SOAPTrace is the namespace of the SoapTraceExtension
DebugTools.SOAP is the name of the assembly containing the soap trace code.

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Kev Avatar answered Dec 12 '22 09:12


Fiddler is your best friend in the wonky world of web services.

No, it doesn't do anything inside the code as pointed out. Nor do you want it to--debugging should NOT change semantics of the process, or you are debugging your debugging code.

Also, I hearts me some wireshark, but fiddler is a bit better for HTTP stuff as it is designed to focus on HTTP. If I'm grabbing bytes off the wire, it is wireshark all the way.

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Wyatt Barnett Avatar answered Dec 12 '22 10:12

Wyatt Barnett