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.NET Core/Standard .csproj file, embedding license file without it being added to a project using the package?



The past couple of days I've been getting warnings when compiling my .NET Standard/Core projects:

NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack.targets(202, 5): [NU5125] The 'licenseUrl' element will be deprecated. Consider using the 'license' element instead.

To fix this, I switched to using <PackageLicenseFile>...</PackageLicenseFile> instead of <PackageLicenseUrl>...</PackageLicenseUrl>.

However, in order for this to work, I have to add the license file to my package (naturally), but it gets added to the content and contentFiles directory, which means that a project using this package gets the license file added to it.

Is there a way to embed the license file so that PackageLicenseFile works correctly, without adding the license file to projects using the package?

This is the section I added to the .csproj file in order to embed the license file:

  <Content Include="..\LICENSE" />

The output package structure:

 +- any
  +- netstandard2.0

Could I, for instance, add it to a separate folder inside the package, other than content?

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Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar asked Nov 26 '18 19:11

Lasse V. Karlsen

1 Answers

The recommended way of packing a licence file with the package is


  <None Include="LICENSE.txt" Pack="true" PackagePath="$(PackageLicenseFile)"/>

But also there now is PackageLicenseExpression which can be used as an alternative to license files / URLs as you have mentioned in your comment.

See NuGet's wiki entry Packaging License within the nupkg for more details.

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Martin Ullrich Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Martin Ullrich