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Net Core Versions questions

I'm new to .Net core. I cannot find a list of versions for Net Core SDK. I read that there are three: 1.0.0 , 1.1.0 (current) and 2.0.0 (future)

I followed official documentation on how to work with net core in Visual Studio 2015, and get it working, but still I cannot understand versions.

In a library I have developed using net core, it says the version is '1.0.0-preview2-003131' Is it 1.0.0 ? 1.0.1? Is it officially released or just a preview?

Also, I have a unit tests project using Net Framework 4.6.2. to test my dll. Is it ok if I want to test classes developed under Net Core? Is it the right way?

Finally, I developed an ASP Net Core MVC web application, that uses my net core dll, it is using "netcoreapp1.0". They are working fine together, as expected. But how can I learn about compatibility between my net core dll and different net framework versions?

Thanks in advance

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Jawen Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 19:03


1 Answers

Comparison and compatibility

Also, I have a unit tests project using Net Framework 4.6.2. to test my dll. Is it ok if I want to test classes developed under Net Core? Is it the right way?

IMO sure its fine to unit test those classes using that framework. Would I do it this way? No. I would have my unit tests running under the same framework.

But how can I learn about compatibility between my net core dll and different net framework versions?

See the above GUIDE

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gh9 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10
