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.Net Core Regular Expressions, Named groups, nested groups, backreferences and lazy qualifier

I'm attempting to parse key-value pairs from strings which look suspiciously like markup using .Net Core 2.1.

Considering the sample Program.cs file below...

My Questions Are:


How can I write the pattern kvp to behave as "Key and Value if exists" instead of "Key or Value" as it currently behaves?

For example, in the test case 2 output, instead of:

input = <tag KEY1="vAl1">

kvp[0] = KEY1
          key   =       KEY1
        value   =
kvp[1] = vAl1
          key   =
        value   =       vAl1

I want to see:

input = <tag KEY1="vAl1">

kvp[0] = KEY1="vAl1"
          key   =       KEY1
        value   =       vAl1

Without breaking test case 9:

input = <tag noValue1 noValue2>

kvp[0] = noValue1
          key   =       noValue1
        value   =
kvp[1] = noValue2
          key   =       noValue2
        value   =


How can I write the pattern value to stop matching at the next character matched by the group named "quotes"? In other words, the very next balancing quote. I obviously misunderstand how backreferencing works, my understanding is that \k<quotes> will be replaced by the value matched at runtime (not the pattern defined at design time) by (?<quotes>[""'`]).

For example, in the test case 5 output, instead of:

kvp[4] =  key3='hello,
          key   =
        value   =        key3='hello,
kvp[5] = experts
          key   =
        value   =       experts

I want to see (notwithstanding a solution to question 1):

kvp[4] =  key3
          key   =        key3
        value   =
kvp[5] = hello, "experts"
          key   =
        value   =       hello, "experts"


How can I write the pattern value to stop matching before />? In test case 7, the value for key2 should be thing-1. I can't remember all that I've attempted, but I haven't found a pattern that works without breaking test case 6, in which the / is part of the value.


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


        static void RegExTest()
            // Test Cases
            var case1 = @"<tag>";
            var case2 = @"<tag KEY1=""vAl1"">";
            var case3 = @"<tag kEy2='val2'>";
            var case4 = @"<tag key3=`VAL3`>";
            var case5 = @"<tag           key1='val1' 

                        key2=""http://www.w3.org"" key3='hello, ""experts""'>";
            var case6 = @"<tag :key1 =some/thing>";
            var case7 = @"<tag key2=thing-1/>";
            var case8 = @"<tag key3      =        thing-2>";
            var case9 = @"<tag noValue1 noValue2>";
            var case10 = @"<tag/>";
            var case11 = @"<tag />";

            // A key may begin with a letter, underscore or colon, follow by 
            // zero or more of those, or numbers, periods, or dashs.
            string key = @"(?<key>(?<=\s+)[a-z_:][a-z0-9_:\.-]*?(?=[\s=>]+))";

            // A value may contain any character, and must be wrapped in balanced quotes (double, single, 
            // or back) if the value contains any quote, whitespace, equal, or greater- or less- than 
            // character.
            string value = @"(?<value>((?<=(?<quotes>[""'`])).*?(?=\k<quotes>)|(?<=[=][\s]*)[^""'`\s=<>]+))";

            // A key-value pair must contain a key, 
            // a value is optional
            string kvp = $"(?<kvp>{key}|{value})"; // Without the | (pipe), it doesn't match any test case...

            // ...value needs to be optional (case9), tried:
            //kvp = $"(?<kvp>{key}{value}?)";
            //kvp = $"(?<kvp>{key}({value}?))";
            //kvp = $"(?<kvp>{key}({value})?)";
            // ...each only matches key, but also matches value in case8 as key

            Regex getKvps = new Regex(kvp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case1)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case2)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case3)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case4)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case5)); // Backreference and/or lazy qualifier doesn't work.

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case6)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case7)); // The / is not part of the value.

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case8)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case9)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case10)); // OK

            FormatMatches(getKvps.Matches(case11)); // OK

        static void FormatMatches(MatchCollection matches)
            Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 78));

            var _input = matches.GetType().GetField("_input",
                BindingFlags.NonPublic |

            Console.WriteLine($"input = {_input}");

            if (matches.Count < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("[kvp not matched]");

            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 20));

                Console.WriteLine($"kvp[{i}] = {matches[i].Groups["kvp"]}");
                Console.WriteLine($"\t  key\t=\t{matches[i].Groups["key"]}");
like image 696
rfmodulator Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 10:10


1 Answers

You may use


See the regex demo with groups highlighed and a .NET regex demo (proof).

C# usage:

var pattern = @"\s(?<key>[a-z_:][a-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?<q>[`'""])(?<value>.*?)\k<q>|(?<value>(?:(?!/>)[^\s`'""<>])+)))?";
var matches = Regex.Matches(case, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (Match m in matches)
    Console.WriteLine(m.Value);                 // The whole match
    Console.WriteLine(m.Groups["key"].Value);   // Group "key" value
    Console.WriteLine(m.Groups["value"].Value); // Group "value" value


  • \s - a whitespace
  • (?<key>[a-z_:][a-z0-9_:.-]*) - Group "key": a letter, _ or : and then 0+ letters, digits, _, :, . or -
  • (?:\s*=\s*(?:(?['"])(?<value>.*?)\k<q>|(?<value>(?:(?!/>)[^\s'"<>])+)))? - one or zero occurrence of (the value is thus optional):
    • \s*=\s* - a = enclosed with 0+ whitespaces
    • (?: - start of a non-capturing group:
      • (?[`'"]) - a delimiter, `, ' or "
      • (?<value>.*?) - Group "value" matching any 0+ chars other than line break chars as few as possible
      • \k<q> - backreference to Group "q", same value must match
    • | - or
      • (?<value>(?:(?!/>)[^\s`'"<>])+) - Group "value": a char other than whitespace, `, ', ", < and >, 1 or more occurrences, that does not start a /> char sequence
  • ) - end of the non-capturing group.
like image 77
Wiktor Stribiżew Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11

Wiktor Stribiżew