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.NET CORE 2.0 Unable to resolve service for type while attempting to activate

I have a IDataRepository.cs file that contains an interface and its implementation like so:

public interface IDataRepository<TEntity, U> where TEntity : class
    IEnumerable<TEntity> GetAll();
    TEntity Get(U id);
    TEntity GetByString(string stringValue);
    long Add(TEntity b);
    long Update(U id, TEntity b);
    long Delete(U id);

I have another class TokenManager.cs that implements IDataRepository Interface:

public class TokenManager : IDataRepository<Token, long>
    ApplicationContext ctx;
    public TokenManager(ApplicationContext c)
        ctx = c;

    //Get the Token Information by ID
    public Token Get(long id)
        var token = ctx.Token.FirstOrDefault(b => b.TokenId == id);
        return token;

    public IEnumerable<Token> GetAll()
        var token = ctx.Token.ToList();
        return token;

    //Get the Token Information by ID
    public Token GetByString(string clientType)
        var token = ctx.Token.FirstOrDefault(b => b.TokenClientType == clientType);
        return token;

    public long Add(Token token)
        long tokenID = ctx.SaveChanges();
        return tokenID;


and finally, I have a controller to put all things together, my controller files looks like this:

public class TokenController : Controller
    private IDataRepository<Token, long> _iRepo;
    public TokenController(IDataRepository<Token, long> repo)
        _iRepo = repo;

    // GET: api/values  
    public IEnumerable<Token> Get()
        return _iRepo.GetAll();

    // GET api/values/produccion
    public Token Get(string stringValue)
        return _iRepo.GetByString(stringValue);

But the problem is that every time I try to access some method from my API, for example using postman I get the error:

InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type FECR_API.Models.Repository.IDataRepository`2[FECR_API.Models.Token,System.Int64] while attempting to activate;FECR_API.Controllers.TokenController

I tried using something like this inside ConfigureServices, but get a conversion error

services.AddScoped<IDataRepository, TokenManager>();

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

like image 560
Jason Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 10:12


1 Answers

Please ensure you register dependencies in DI container inside Startup.cs

public class Startup

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<IDataRepository<Token, long>, TokenManager>();
like image 148
Win Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 13:12
