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NestedScrolling inside a Viewpager inside a BottomSheetDialog

Short version:

How do I set the NestedScrollingChild of a NestedScrollingParent with multiple number of such child.

Long version

I implemented a BottomSheetDialogFragment whose layout consists of a ViewPager, and the adapter of this viewpager contains a RecyclerView.

Now, the issue is, since a NestedScrollingParent which in this time the coordinator layout of the bottomsheet supports only one direct NestedScrollingChild, only the first fragment of the adapter can be nest-scrolled.

What I mean is, whenever setAdapter is called on the viewpager, the first item supports nested scrolling. But after I change the page, the new page now does not scroll. Then when I go back to the previous page, it still supports scrolling.

Also, I noticed that if the fragment or the page that can scroll is destroyed, the succeeding page now can scroll, which means that the latter page becomes the scrolling child of the bottom sheet. The problem is that page which now gained the scrolling ability is not the current item but a preceding one (my adapter must maintain 3 fragments).


After setAdapter

  • fragment 0 can scroll
  • then after changing page to fragment 1, fragment 1 cannot scroll
  • but switching to fragment 2, then going back to fragment 1 allows fragment 1 to scroll (since fragment 0 is destroyed I guess)
like image 951
Sid Go Avatar asked Jan 02 '17 09:01

Sid Go

3 Answers

After digging into the source code, I found that the problem lies on a faulty algorithm used in finding the NestedScrollingChild of the bottomsheet (folks at Google did not take into account the possiblity of a ViewPager inside the bottomsheet).

See the method here: findScrollingChild()

What this method does is it will return the first NestedScrollingChild it encounters on a given view (the bottomsheet in this case), which in the case of a viewpager with 3 pages, the one preceding the current page. Also, this method is triggered during the layout phase of the children of the CoordinatorLayout wrapper of the bottomsheet.

With this in mind, one can devise many solutions including subclassing the behavior itself.

Also, one can limit the NestedScrollingChild inside the viewpager by adding and removing one instance of such child (remove from the old page, then add in the current page), which is what I did. You can do this inside setPrimaryItem of the adapter or on a OnPageChangeListener. Just be sure to call requestLayout on the coordinator layout of the bottomsheet. (This solution depends on the kind of layout/structure of the pager adapter so I won't post my exact solution).

like image 65
Sid Go Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11

Sid Go

I had some troubles with these previous responses. In fact, in my case the @NonNull Object object in setPrimaryItem method return a fragment and cannot be cast to a NestedScrollView.

Here what I have in my XML :

  • One BottomSheet containing a ViewPager.
  • The ViewPager with two pages containing one Fragment each.
  • Each Fragment Containing one NestedScrollView at the root view.

Here is my ViewPagerAdapter (Kotlin)

class MyViewPagerAdapter(val id: String) :
    FragmentStatePagerAdapter(supportFragmentManager) {

    val titles = arrayOf(getString(R.string.title1),

    override fun getItem(position: Int) = when (position) {
        0 -> MyFragment1.newInstance(id)
        1 -> MyFragment2.newInstance(id)
        else -> Fragment()

    override fun getCount() = 2

    override fun getPageTitle(position: Int): CharSequence? {
        return titles[position]

    override fun setPrimaryItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) {
        super.setPrimaryItem(container, position, `object`)

        val currentFragment = `object` as Fragment

        if (currentFragment.view != null) { //The first time the view isn't created yet
            for (i in 0 until count) {
                (container.getChildAt(i) as NestedScrollView).isNestedScrollingEnabled = false

            val currentNestedScrollView: NestedScrollView = currentFragment.view as NestedScrollView
            currentNestedScrollView.isNestedScrollingEnabled = true

like image 4
YOURI ANTENOR-HABAZAC Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 08:11


I had the exact same issue and figure out very similar solution.
Providing my solution for reference:


public void setPrimaryItem(@NonNull ViewGroup container, int position, @NonNull Object object) {
    super.setPrimaryItem(container, position, object);
    NestedScrollView current = ((NestedScrollView)object);

    for (int i = 0; i < getCount(); i++) {
        if (i != position) {
            NestedScrollView otherScrollView = container.findViewWithTag(i);


Also , I write a blog post on this topic: Cannot scroll scrollable content inside ViewPager as BottomSheet of CoordinatorLayout

like image 1
saiday Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 09:11
