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Nested types that are public

I'm curious as to what is good practice when it comes to certain scenarios involving nested types in .NET.

Lets say you have a Wheel class, and the Wheel class holds Bearing objects. A Bearing object only makes sense within a Wheel and you do not want to allow it to be created independently, so it would make sense to have the Bearing class nested inside the Wheel object. However, lets say you have a scenario where you now need to read a Wheel.Bearings property outside of the Wheel class. This would now require making the nested Bearing class public.

In this situation, what is the best option?
1 - Create a public Bearing class nested within the Wheel class
2 - Create an independent Bearing class which takes a Wheel object in its constructor
3 - Create a Wheel namespace and create an independent Bearing class inside this namespace.
4 - Something else?

UPDATE: I'm updating this with more details and to reflect some of the suggestions so far. ClassParent is the parent class, ClassChild is the child class. ClassChild is ALWAYS a child of ClassParent, it does not make sense to exist on its own. The problem is that ClassChild has a few properties that need to be exposed publically, while all the rest should only be called from ClassParent. An example is a ClassChild.Delete function which should not be exposed publically because it should only be called from ClassParent as ClassParent needs to perform appropriate cleanup and modifications.

After reviewing the suggestions, the design I've come up with looks a little unclean to me so I thought I'd ask for input. I have:

public class Parent
  ChildNested childObj

  public DeleteChild()
      //expose this method publically
      //other functionality 

  public Child GetChild()
      //expose Child, not ChildNested publically
      return childObj

   private class ChildNested:Child
         public Child()
         public DeleteChild()

public abstract class Child
 protected Child()
 protected Delete()
     public PublicPropertyToExpose()
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MC. Avatar asked Mar 10 '10 17:03


2 Answers

The best design here is to create a public Bearing class with an internal constructor, and create instances of it within the Wheel class.

If the Bearing class needs to access private members of the Wheel class, you can make the public Bearing class abstract, then make a concrete implentation as a private nested class inside of Wheel.

In general, you should not make public nested types.

like image 86
SLaks Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


  • Create an independent Bearing class with private constructor
  • Create a factory class that will instantiate the Bearing class given a Wheel class
like image 39
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Darin Dimitrov