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'nested' template `>>` issue is solved. What about `<::`?

C++0x addresses the issue of consecutive closing angle brackets in template-id's, like in vector<vector<int>>. No space is required between > > any more. Does C++0x address the issue of <:: like in vector<::MyType> ? Is the space between < and :: still required?

Edit: I mean by the wording of the standard (draft). Many compilers cope with that for a long time now

like image 989
Armen Tsirunyan Avatar asked Nov 03 '10 21:11

Armen Tsirunyan

1 Answers

Yes, that space is still required currently. But US National Body comment 15 requested this to be removed, and it looks like the proposed resolution will be incorporated (since it's "ready").

like image 133
Johannes Schaub - litb Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Johannes Schaub - litb