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Nested routes in Ember JS and Ember Rails

Can someone explain in layman's terms the way nested outlets work in ember templates?

In particular trying understand this from the docs: http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/rendering-a-template/

"The immediate parent route did not render into the main outlet ..."

This means that the current route tried to render into the parent route's template, but the parent route didn't render a template, or, if it did, that the template which the parent route provided did not render into the main template (i.e., a default {{outlet}}).

More specifically I am trying understand how to create a nested view hierarchy in my app. It is three layers deep of collections. I want to create a series of collapsible nested views, based on the contents of the collections. The data structure could be tree like.

Libraries -> each Library has many Books -> each Book has many Pages

Looking for an illustrative jsbin or code sample that demonstrates the nested template structure in practice.

Imagine a router that looks like this:

App.Router.map(function() {

    this.resource('libraries', function() {

        this.resource('library', {path: ':library_id'}, function() {

            this.resource('books', function() {
                this.resource('book', {path: ':book_id'}, function() {

                    this.resource('pages', function() {
                        this.resource('page', {path: ':page_id'}, function() {

                        }); // Page
                    }); // Pages

                }); // Book
            }); // Books

        }); // Library
    }); // Libraries

}); // map
like image 820
Gordon Potter Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 19:07

Gordon Potter

1 Answers

In general most templating languages provide some way to wrap the target content of a page into a main layout. This allows separation of the common page layout into another file and the smaller target template in a different file.

There have been a few iterations of this in Ember, currently this functionality is provided by the {{outlet}} helper. Outlets are Ember's way to yield into a layout.

The area where outlet diverges significantly from yield is nesting. Yielding on server-side is much simpler. You only need to mark areas of a template to yield into and then call to yield a block of content into that designated target.

However when the rendering of content is switched to client-side javascript, only parts of a page are updated on demand. You can no longer simply yield directly into markers. You need a smarter yield ie:- outlet.

There are 2 sides to an {{outlet}}.

  1. A marker that indicates where you want to yield. This is the {{outlet}} helper.
  2. Code that renders a template into this outlet. This is the render method used inside the renderTemplate hook.

By default an {{outlet}} does not need a name. This makes it the default outlet for that template. There can be many such outlets in a template and they can be specified by giving it a name. For eg:-

{{outlet 'sidebar'}}
{{outlet 'nav'}}

This declares 2 outlets named 'sidebar' and 'nav'. You can now render other templates into these outlets.

Default outlets are used when rendering without an explicit outlet name. For named outlets the rendering is done by calling render in a renderTemplate hook of a Route. You do this by specifying an outlet option in a hash passed to the render method as options.

renderTemplate() {
    this.render('recentPosts', { outlet: 'sidebar' });

Here, the template recentPosts will be rendered into an outlet named 'sidebar' inside its parent template.

When routes are nested inside other nested routes they will render into the nearest parent outlet. If the parent resource doesn't have a default outlet then it's parent is used, and so on until the application template is reached.

When you declare a resource with this.resource('posts'); in the Router, you are indicating a few things based on convention.

  1. Render the posts route with the layout template posts.
  2. Optionally, render the implicit posts.index route with the template posts/index.

The posts template contains layout common to all posts and it's sub resources. At the bare minimum it must contain at least a default outlet like, {{outlet}}.

Without this {{outlet}} child routes will not have an immediate parent outlet to render into. They will then render in that parent's parent or ultimately the application template's outlet. When this happens you will see the "The immediate parent route did not render into the main outlet ..." warning. Check the location of your outlets when this happens.

The posts.index is an implicit route given to all resources that have nested routes. In other words if your resource has nested routes, you don't need to explicitly declare a nested, this.route('index)`.

This index route can display the content of that resource. For instance, for posts.index, You can display a list of all posts. One secondary caveat with this implicit route is that the model is on the parent posts route. You have to use the needs api to get at this model in the PostsIndexController.

needs: ['posts'],
contentBinding: 'controller.posts'

Further, this posts.index route is optional. You can place the UI from posts/index used to display a list of posts, directly into the posts template itself. However this means any child resource will also render with the list of posts, along side the outlet in posts. The decision whether to use an explicit index route or not depends on the UI that needs to be displayed.

Sitting above all other templates is the application template. It must have an outlet for nested resources to render in, and will typically house the layout common to the page. If you don't specify an application template a default template will be used. This generated template is equivalent to {{outlet}}, ie:- a template with just a default outlet.

Consider the following routes.

App.Router.map(function() {
    this.resource('posts', function() {
      this.resource('post', {path: ':post_id'}, function() {
        this.resource('comments', function() {

Here, posts.new will be rendered into posts which will be rendered inside posts, which will be rendered into the application template's default outlet. The rest of the templates used are listed below.

| Route                     | Templates used (default outlets)                       |
| posts.index               | posts.index > posts > application                      |
| posts.new                 | posts.new > posts > application                        |
| posts.post.index          | post.index > post > posts > application                |
| posts.post.new            | post.new > post > posts > application                  |
| posts.post.comments.index | comments.index > comments > post > posts > application |
| posts.post.comments.new   | comments.new > comments > post > posts > application   |

This default template hierarchy can be changed by specifying an into option to the render method.

renderTemplate: function() {
  this.render('posts', { into: 'sidebar' })

Here the posts template will render into the default outlet of the sidebar template.

That's about it. Outlet is another ember concept that uses a good deal of convention over configuration. The defaults are quite good, at the same time easy to customize.

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Darshan Sawardekar Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11

Darshan Sawardekar