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Nested objects in javascript, best practices

I would like to know the correct way to create a nested object in javascript. I want a base object called "defaultsettings". It should have 2 properties (object type): ajaxsettings and uisettings. I know that i can write something like

var defaultsettings = new Object(); var ajaxsettings = new Object();  defaultsettings.ajaxsettings = ajaxsettings.. etc. 

But what i want to know is how to type it this way (that i suppose is a more correct way of doing it):

var defaultsettings = {      var ajaxsettings = { ... } }; 

I suppose you get the idea. Thanks!

like image 269
Johan Avatar asked Oct 29 '11 23:10


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How do you make a nested object in JavaScript?

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1 Answers

If you know the settings in advance you can define it in a single statement:

var defaultsettings = {                         ajaxsettings : { "ak1" : "v1", "ak2" : "v2", etc. },                         uisettings : { "ui1" : "v1", "ui22" : "v2", etc }                       }; 

If you don't know the values in advance you can just define the top level object and then add properties:

var defaultsettings = { }; defaultsettings["ajaxsettings"] = {}; defaultsettings["ajaxsettings"]["somekey"] = "some value"; 

Or half-way between the two, define the top level with nested empty objects as properties and then add properties to those nested objects:

var defaultsettings = {                         ajaxsettings : {  },                         uisettings : {  }                       };  defaultsettings["ajaxsettings"]["somekey"] = "some value"; defaultsettings["uisettings"]["somekey"] = "some value"; 

You can nest as deep as you like using the above techniques, and anywhere that you have a string literal in the square brackets you can use a variable:

var keyname = "ajaxsettings"; var defaultsettings = {}; defaultsettings[keyname] = {}; defaultsettings[keyname]["some key"] = "some value"; 

Note that you can not use variables for key names in the { } literal syntax.

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nnnnnn Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 09:10
