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Nested MySQL Queries

I have been trying to write a query for a public transportation system which will output a list of routes when I input the origin and destination stop numbers.

Here is my MySQL Table :

mysql> desc route_timings;
| Field          | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| ID             | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| route_number   | int(11) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| stop_number    | int(11) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| arrival_time   | time    | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| departure_time | time    | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here are sample values :

mysql> select * from route_timings;
| ID | route_number | stop_number | arrival_time | departure_time |
|  1 |           54 |           1 | 10:00:00     | 10:05:00       |
|  2 |           54 |           2 | 11:00:00     | 11:05:00       |
|  3 |           54 |           3 | 12:00:00     | 12:05:00       |
|  4 |           55 |           3 | 13:00:00     | 13:05:00       |
|  5 |           55 |           4 | 14:00:00     | 14:05:00       |
|  6 |           55 |           5 | 15:00:00     | 15:05:00       |
|  7 |           60 |           3 | 10:00:00     | 10:05:00       |
|  8 |           60 |           2 | 11:00:00     | 11:05:00       |
|  9 |           60 |           1 | 12:00:00     | 12:05:00       |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)

My question is: if I want to list the route_number's that would contain stop_number 1 and stop_number 3, I would write a query similar to this :

SELECT DISTINCT `route_number` FROM `route_timings` WHERE `route_number` IN (
    SELECT `route_number` FROM `route_timings` WHERE `stop_number`=1
) AND `route_number` IN (
    SELECT `route_number` FROM `route_timings` WHERE `stop_number`=3

However, the above query would only return the route_numbers containing the two stops and not the routes where the source stop (1) would arrive before the destination stop(3).

The query would return the following:

| route_number |
|           54 |
|           60 |

The route_number 60 does not start from 1 and go to 3 but instead starts from 3 and goes to 1. Can someone please help me add that bit to the query so that the query outputs only the route_numbers where the arrival_time for the stop_number 1 is less than the arrival_time for the stop_number 3.

Thanks in advance. -Shain

like image 464
Shain Padmajan Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 03:11

Shain Padmajan

1 Answers

How about something like:

select fromStop.RouteNumber  
from routeTimings fromStop  
  inner join routeTimings toStop on toStop.RouteNumber = fromStop.RouteNumber and toStop.StopNumber = 3 and toStop.ArrivalTime > fromStop.DepartureTime  
where fromStop.StopNumber = 1

Note this is using SQL server syntax and names adjusted to the convention I'm used to but the principle should be clear

like image 160
kaj Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11
