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Nested filter on Data Transfer Object using OData Wep Api


I have a wep api project consumes data using odata but I'm having some problems with odata wep api.

when I execute that query

/api/values?$top=50&$filter=Comments/Fortuneteller/FullName eq 'some string'

it gives me following error

"Message": "The query specified in the URI is not valid.", "ExceptionMessage": "The parent value for a property access of a property 'Fortuneteller' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value."

I don't want to return entity object from controller. Is there any way to filter the entity via DTO?

I'm using Repository + Service layer pattern in my project and structure of my project is like that

api controller <-> service <-> repository <-> EF

api controller

    [Queryable]     public IQueryable<FortuneDTO> Get()     {         return service.FiterBy((_ => true));     } 


    public IQueryable<FortuneDTO> FiterBy(Expression<Func<tblFortune, bool>> filter)     {         return repository.List().Where(filter).Select(_ => new FortuneDTO         {             CreatedByFullName = _.aspnet_Users.FullName,             Id = _.FortuneId,             Comments = _.tblComment.Select(c => new CommentDTO             {                 Id=c.CommentId,                 Comment = c.Comment,                 Fortuneteller = new FortunetellerDTO {                      FullName=c.aspnet_Users.FullName,                     Id=c.aspnet_Users.UserId                 }             }).AsQueryable()         });     } 


    public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> List()     {         return context.CreateObjectSet<TEntity>();     } 


public class FortuneDTO {     public int Id { get; set; }     public string CreatedByFullName { get; set; }     public IQueryable<CommentDTO> Comments { get; set; } } public class CommentDTO {     public int Id { get; set; }     public string Comment { get; set; }     public FortunetellerDTO Fortuneteller { get; set; } } public class FortunetellerDTO {     public Guid Id { get; set; }     public string FullName { get; set; } } 
like image 512
emreturan Avatar asked Sep 20 '13 08:09


1 Answers

As the exception message tells you, the query that you have is invalid.

/api/values?$top=50&$filter=Comments/Fortuneteller/FullName eq 'some string' 

is equivalent to the linq expression

fortuneDTOs.Where(f => f.Comments.Fortuneteller.FullName == "some string").Top(50) 

As you can see fortuneDTOs.Comments.Fortuneteller is incorrect as Comments is a collection and it doesn't have a property named 'FullName'.

You should use Any/All to filter on collections. For example, if you are trying to find all the fortunes where one of the commentators is 'some string', you can do

/api/values?$top=50&$filter=Comments/any(c: c/Fortuneteller/FullName eq 'some string') 

If instead you want to find out all the fortunes where all the comments are made by only one commentator 'some string', you can do

/api/values?$top=50&$filter=Comments/all(c: c/Fortuneteller/FullName eq 'some string') 
like image 132
RaghuRam Nadiminti Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

RaghuRam Nadiminti