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Nested Drag and Drop with react-beautiful-dnd

I'm creating vertical nested drag and drop with react-beautiful-dnd. I have referred some answers in github

I have forked from sandbox and created new one for vertical nested drag and drop. When I change the inside DND, outside DND changes the values not inside DND.

enter image description here


 onDragEnd(result) {
    // dropped outside the list
    console.log("innner drag");
    if (!result.destination) {

    const items = reorder(


DEMO Code: https://codesandbox.io/s/ozq53zmj6

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Selvin Avatar asked Oct 15 '18 09:10


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As noted in their documentation, react-beautiful-dnd is best suited for lists (vertical, horizontal, movements between lists, nested lists, and so on), and has limitations to provide more extensive drag and drop functionality. We ultimately went with React DnD for their powerful primitives to support handling user interfaces based on data changes.

How do I use drag and drop in react?

DragDropContext: In order to use drag and drop, you need to have the part of your React tree that you want to be able to use drag and drop in wrapped in a <DragDropContext />. It is advised to just wrap your entire application in a <DragDropContext />.

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Video Answer

2 Answers

react-beautiful-dnd doesn't support nested drag-drop as of now and it's low priority item as per their roadmap. You need to handle everything on outer <DragDropContext onDragEnd={this.handleDragEnd}>. It doesn't give parent information by default in result object, so I have kept that information in child Droppable component. See the below demo if this works for you.

Code: https://codesandbox.io/s/jp4ow4r45v

Edit: Refer below sandbox for a more generic code snippet where you will be able to apply nested drag-drop across parent container.

Code: https://codesandbox.io/s/5v2yvpjn7n

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Debajit Majumder Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Debajit Majumder

just give type to your outer and inner droppable, on drag end you have to check the type of your droppable,and reorder accordingly.

onDragEnd = ({ type, destination, source }) => {

    if (source && destination && type) {
        let parentId = source.droppableId;
        let srcIndex = source.index;
        let destIndex = destination.index;

        if (type == "Inner") {
            //method for reordering the order of the inner items
            reorderInner(parentId, srcIndex, destIndex)
        else if (type == "Outer") {
            //method for reordering the order of parent items

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Yash Ojha Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Yash Ojha