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Neo4j use only one core in Cypher query running




When i run a Cypher query in UI, only one core in server is going up and the query gets stuck or responds very slow.

I use Neo4j 3.0.7 Community.

Someone have idea what i can tune for using all cores?

like image 968
Vakhtang Avatar asked Dec 28 '16 15:12


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1 Answers

A single Cypher query is limited to a single thread. See this tweet from late 2015 by Stefan Armbruster:

A cypher statement is (in most cases) one transaction and therefore only on one thread.

If your query is slow, you can use various tricks for optimizing it: this blog post is a good starting point.

like image 67
Gabor Szarnyas Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11

Gabor Szarnyas