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Neo4j license limitations? [closed]

Please tell me, are there limitations of maximum records per node within Basic license? For example i can store only max 10M records per Basic license? Or record count is unlimited by Basic license?

Thank you!

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Edward83 Avatar asked Dec 16 '22 20:12


1 Answers

You can use the community edition in the same way that you would use MySQL.

From http://www.neotechnology.com/price-list/

If you don’t need any of the reliability features in the Advanced or Enterprise editions, then you’re free to use the Community edition of Neo4j Server under a GPL license – which means you can use it anywhere you would use something like MySQL. Used in this way, only changes you make to the Neo4j software itself should be open-sourced and shared with the community.

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Daniel Compton Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 02:12

Daniel Compton