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Neo4j - Is there a cypher query syntax to list (show) all indexes in DB?

I'm looking for something similar to the MySQL ( SHOW INDEXES ). I was able to get a list of indexes using py2neo in Python

graphDB = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService() indexes = graphDB.get_indexes(neo4j.Node) print(format(indexes)) 

but I wanted to know if there's a way to do something similar in Cypher.

like image 460
Bryan Mayes Avatar asked Nov 06 '13 00:11

Bryan Mayes

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1 Answers

Not yet. In Neo4j 2.0 more cypher friendly indexing was introduced and you can issue some DDL commands to create and drop indices and constraints, but as of 2.01 that's it (see docs). In 1.9 you can't define that type of schema with cypher at all.


There are many ways outside of cypher, for instance

In neo4j-shell you can

  • list legacy indices with index --indexes
  • list all label indices and constraints with schema
  • list indices and constraints for specific label with schema ls -l :YourLabel

In neo4j-browser you can

  • list all label indices and constraints with :schema
  • list indices and constraints for specific label with :schema ls -l :YourLabel

Most APIs that let you execute cypher queries will also provide ways to query schema, such as

  • Native Java API
    • GraphDatabaseService.schema().getConstraints() and .getIndexes() for label schema
    • GraphDatabaseService.index().nodeIndexNames() and .relationshipIndexNames() for legacy indices
  • REST calls to
    • /db/data/schema/ endpoints for label based schema
    • and to /db/data/index/node/ and /db/data/index/relationship/ for legacy indices
like image 85
jjaderberg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
