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Negative values in pie charts

My application visualizes data using a variety of chart types. Some data visualized by a pie chart includes negative values. Pie charts aren't designed to display negatives.

  • Excel outputs the absolute value of all values. So, -20 is output in the pie chart as a slice with 20% of the pie's circumference. The only way to tell the number is negative is to reference the legend.
  • Highcharts, which is the charting engine we use, leaves the positive slices intact, but renders the negatives in a very odd and confusing way (Example on JS Lint). Props to them for trying to render negatives, but our users are confused.

  • Others have suggested filtering out the negatives altogether, since they don't make sense on a pie chart. This strips data and doesn't wholly represent the data set, so it probably won't work for us.
  • And, others have suggested using a more appropriate chart type, such as a bar chart.
  • Any other options for solving this? How have you done it?

    like image 365
    MrDerp Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 01:12


    2 Answers

    Use shades of green for positive values.

    Use the absolute value of your negative values to then display different negative values in shades of red.

    like image 173
    Francis P Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 05:01

    Francis P

    Recently I thought about the same problem, and made rough sample like this.
    Please assume that item B has negative value.

    'arc' and 'pie' function of d3.js are very convenient to use.

    Working sample is here.

    donut chart containing negative value pattern 1

    I also added concentric circles, like this.

    donut chart containing negative value pattern 2

    like image 27
    toshi Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 03:01
