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Need to select ALL columns while using COUNT/Group By

Ok so I have a table in which ONE of the columns have a FEW REPEATING records.

My task is to select the REPEATING records with all attributes.

CustID FN LN DOB City State

the DOB has some repeating values which I need to select from the whole table and list all columns of all records that are same within the DOB field..

My try...

Select  DOB, COUNT(DOB) As 'SameDOB' from Table1

group by DOB


This only returns two columns and one row 1st column is the DOB column that occurs more than once and the 2nd column gives count on how many.

I need to figure out a way to list all attributes not just these two...

Please guide me in the right direction.

like image 754
John Smith Avatar asked May 08 '12 02:05

John Smith

2 Answers

I think a more general solution is to use windows functions:

select *
from (select *, count(*) over (partition by dob) as NumDOB
      from table
     ) t
where numDOB > 1

The reason this is more general is because it is easy to change to duplicates across two or more columns.

like image 108
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 17:10

Gordon Linoff

Select * 
FROM  Table1 T
                FROM     Table1 I
                GROUP BY I.DOB
                HAVING   COUNT(I.DOB) > 1)
like image 35
gdoron is supporting Monica Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10

gdoron is supporting Monica