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Need to get multiple value from a table in the left join

I have a table having data as below.

Say I have two versions of the project and I need to migrate data from older version to a new version.

Let's say tblFolders in version1

| id | FolderName | CreatedBy    | ModifiedBy   |
|  1 | SIMPLE     | 5            | 6            |
|  2 | SIMPLE1    | 8            | 1            |

And another table having userid of both versions.

Let's say its tblUsersMapping

| id | Version1UserID | Version2UserID    |
|  1 | 1              | 500               |
|  2 | 2              | 465               |
|  3 | 3              | 12                |
|  4 | 4              | 85                |
|  5 | 5              | 321               |
|  6 | 6              | 21                |
|  7 | 7              | 44                |
|  8 | 8              | 884               |

Now I need to transfer data from version 1 to version 2. When I transferring data, CreatedBy and Modifiedby ids should by of the new version.

So though I have data as below

|  1 | SIMPLE     | 5            | 6            |

It should be transferred as below

|  1 | SIMPLE     | 321          | 21           |

For that, I have added a join so far between these two tables as below.

   B.version2userid AS CreatedBy
FROM   tblfolders A WITH(nolock) 
       LEFT JOIN tblusersmapping B WITH(nolock) 
              ON A.createdby = B.version1userid

This would give me a proper result for column CreatedBy.

But how can I get userid from tblUsersMapping for ModifiedBy column? Doing below will not work and will give NULL for both the columns.

SELECT    id, 
      b.version2userid AS createdby, 
      b.version2userid AS modifiedby 
FROM      tblfolders A WITH(nolock) 
LEFT JOIN tblusersmapping B WITH(nolock) 
ON        a.createdby = b.version1userid, 
          a.modifiedby = b.version1userid

One way is I can add another join with tblusersmapping table. But its not a good idea because tables can have a huge data and another join will affect the performance of the query.

My question is how can I get Version1UserID and Version2UserID from mapping table based on createdby and modifiedby columns?

like image 569
Maharshi Avatar asked Jan 22 '19 06:01


3 Answers

You can use multiple select which may help you.

(SELECT version2userid from tblUsersMapping where Version1UserID=tblfolders.CreatedBy) AS CreatedBy,
(SELECT version2userid from tblUsersMapping where Version1UserID=tblfolders.ModifiedBy) AS ModifiedBy
FROM   tblfolders
like image 118
Vivekanand Panda Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Vivekanand Panda

If you want to populate both the column where each column joins to to a different row, in that case you have to join the same table twice like following. You can't get it with a single table join the way you are expecting.

   B.version2userid AS CreatedBy
   C.Version2UserID    AS ModifiedBy
FROM   tblfolders A WITH(nolock) 
       LEFT JOIN tblusersmapping B WITH(nolock) 
              ON A.createdby = B.version1userid
        LEFT JOIN tblusersmapping C WITH(nolock) 
              ON A.ModifiedBy    = C.version1userid
like image 28
PSK Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11


Try this, it will work across all sample data,

select tf.id,tf.FolderName
,oa.Version2UserID as CreatedBy
,oa1.Version2UserID as ModifiedBy
from @tblFolders tf
outer apply(select top 1 Version2UserID 
from @tblUsersMapping tu 
where tu.Version1UserID= tf.CreatedBy order by id desc)oa
outer apply(select top 1 Version2UserID 
from @tblUsersMapping tu 
where tu.Version1UserID= tf.ModifiedBy order by id desc)oa1
like image 42
KumarHarsh Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
