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Need to count records and group count by date on oracle db using sql developer


I have a table like the following

   ID                created    sent    type
0001463583000051783  31-JUL-12  1   270
0081289563000051788  01-AUG-12  1   270
0081289563000051792  01-AUG-12  1   270
0081289563000051791  01-AUG-12  1   270
0081289563000051806  01-AUG-12  1   270
0001421999000051824  06-AUG-12  1   270
0001421999000051826  06-AUG-12  1   270
0001464485000051828  06-AUG-12  1   270
0082162128000051862  09-AUG-12  2   278
0082162128000051861  09-AUG-12  2   278
0022409222082910259  09-AUG-12  3   278

I would like to have the following for output

created     Count
31-JUL-12   1
01-AUG-12   4
06-AUG-12   3
09-AUG-12   3

How hard would it be to accomplish this using SQL Developer on Oracle 10g

I have tried several queries to generate such a table and in the end it does not group the count by date just gives me a '1' for the count when we average 5000-10000 transactions daily. Im probably over complicating it. But i would like something simple where i can pull the amount of transactions on a daily basis within a date range.

what is happening currently when i run my queries is

created     Count
31-JUL-12   1
01-AUG-12   1
01-AUG-12   1
01-AUG-12   1
01-AUG-12   1
06-AUG-12   1
06-AUG-12   1
06-AUG-12   1
09-AUG-12   1
09-AUG-12   1
09-AUG-12   1
like image 788
camarokris Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 20:10


People also ask

How do I count records in SQL Developer?

If you specify expr, then COUNT returns the number of rows where expr is not null. ... If you specify the asterisk (*), then this function returns all rows... In other words, COUNT(fecha_devolucion) counts non-NULL values of that column. COUNT(*) counts the total number of rows, regardless of the values.

Can we use count without group by?

Using COUNT, without GROUP BY clause will return a total count of a number of rows present in the table. Adding GROUP BY, we can COUNT total occurrences for each unique value present in the column. we can use the following command to create a database called geeks.

How do I count monthly records in SQL?

If you only want a total count of sales every month, then you can use COUNT function instead. mysql> select year(order_date),month(order_date),sum(sale) from sales WHERE condition group by year(order_date),month(order_date) order by year(order_date),month(order_date);

How do I count the number of columns in a table in SQL Developer?

select table_name, count(*) from all_tab_columns where owner = 'SOME_USER' group by table_name order by table_name; More details about the system catalogs can be found in the manual: ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.

1 Answers

I managed to get this results with this query:

select trunc(created), count(*)
from table1
group by trunc(created)

Note the trunc function, even if you don't display it, the DATE datatype holds the time as well

Here is a fiddle

like image 77
A.B.Cade Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
