autoescape. Controls the current auto-escaping behavior. This tag takes either on or off as an argument and that determines whether auto-escaping is in effect inside the block. The block is closed with an endautoescape ending tag.
To comment-out part of a line in a template, use the comment syntax: {# #} . This syntax can only be used for single-line comments (no newlines are permitted between the {# and #} delimiters). If you need to comment out a multiline portion of the template, see the comment tag.
From the documentation: {% extends variable %} uses the value of variable. If the variable evaluates to a string, Django will use that string as the name of the parent template. If the variable evaluates to a Template object, Django will use that object as the parent template.
you can coerce a str to an int using the add filter
{% for item in numItems|add:"0" %}
to coerce int to str just use slugify
{{ some_int|slugify }}
EDIT: that said, I agree with the others that normally you should do this in the view - use these tricks only when the alternatives are much worse.
I like making a custom filter:
# templatetags/
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def to_int(value):
return int(value)
{% load tag_library %}
{{ value|to_int }}
It is for cases where this cannot be easily done in view.
Yes, the place for this is in the view.
I feel like the above example won't work -- you can't iterate over an integer.
numItems = request.GET.get('numItems')
if numItems:
numItems = range(1, int(numItems)+1)
return direct_to_template(request, "mytemplate.html", {'numItems': numItems})
{% for item in numItems %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
The easiest way to do this is using inbuilt floatformat filter.
For Integer
{{ value|floatformat:"0" }}
For float value with 2 precision
{{ value|floatformat:"2" }}
It will also round to nearest value. for more details, you can check
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