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Need plain english translation of the following scala snippet



I'm new to scala and the playframework. Can somebody please translate the following snippet below into plain english? For context its found here: http://www.playframework.org/documentation/2.0.4/ScalaSecurity

 * This method shows how you could wrap the withAuth method to also fetch your user
 * You will need to implement UserDAO.findOneByUsername
def withUser(f: User => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = withAuth { username => implicit request =>
  UserDAO.findOneByUsername(username).map { user =>
like image 736
critium Avatar asked Nov 30 '12 22:11


1 Answers

Part 1: First let's address the curried syntax:

withUser is a method that takes a curried function f of type User => Request[AnyContent] => Result. It takes a User object and returns another function that takes a Request and returns a Result. Breaking it down, if f is that function then:

val g = f(user) // g is a function
val result = g(request) // returns a result
// same as:
val result = f(user)(request)

Practically speaking f is just like a function that takes two parameters but instead of calling f(a, b) you call f(a)(b).

withAuth is also a method that takes a curried function. It has almost the same type as withUser.

Part 2: Now how do you use those methods:

As explained here, play makes you defined your application logic by telling it how to transform Request objects into Result objects.

withAuth is a helper function that takes care of the authentication for you and conveniently retrieves the username. So you use it like this:

def index = withAuth { username => implicit request =>

It returns a function that takes a Request and returns a Result, which is what play needs. But what it takes is a curried function (that takes a username) and return a function (that takes a request). The request parameter is marked as implicit so it can be passed implicitly to any function/method call that needs an implicit request parameter. For the purpose of this explanation, just ignore the implicit keyword.

Part 3: Translation of withUser

Well, its signature is similar to withAuth and the goal is for it to be used in the same way except the first parameter will be a User instead of a String. So it has to take a User => Request => Result. The request trait takes a type parameter which indicates the type of its content. Here it is AnyContent. So the correct type for the argument of withUser is User => Request[AnyContent] => Result. That means you will be able to use it like this:

withUser { user => implicit request =>
  // do something with user and request to return a result

If you look at the definition of withUser, all it does is to call withAuth:

def withUser(f: User => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = withAuth { 
  // ...

So it will return the same type as withAuth which means it will return a function that turns a Request into a Result (see Part 2 above). Which means we will be able to use it like this:

def index = withUser { user => implicit request => 

What is passed as an argument of withAuth is a curried function. I introduced intermediate val so that you can follow the types:

username => // first param is the username as a String
  implicit request => // second param is the request
    // here we have to return a Result...
    // we lookup the user - we may not have one:
    val userOption: Option[User] = UserDAO.findOneByUsername(username)
    // f is the code block that will be provided inside withUser { f }
    // Part 1 explains the f(user)(request) syntax
    // We call f to get a result, in the context of the Option monad
    val resultOption: Option[Result] = userOption.map(user => f(user)(request))
    // if we have a result, return it; otherwise return an error.
like image 168
huynhjl Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
