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Need more mechanize documentation (python) [closed]

I'm having a really hard time finding a good comprehensive source for Mechanize's documentation. Even the main documentation on mechanize's site isn't really that great: it only seems to list examples.

Is there a more formal place for documentation where I can see lists of classes and methods for this module? I'm a bit new to python, so maybe there's a simple answer for this.

More specifically I need a good source of information for mechanize.Browser(), which I've only been able to find information on through random questions on Stack Overflow.

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varatis Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 06:02


1 Answers

UPDATED: How about https://github.com/python-mechanize/mechanize

prior answer: A google search turned up the below, courtesy of one Joe. He parsed the source through pydoc and posted the generated results. Nice one, Joe. http://joesourcecode.com/Documentation/mechanize0.2.5/ http://joesourcecode.com/Documentation/mechanize0.2.5/mechanize._mechanize.Browser-class.html

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jsh Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
