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Need help resolving segfault in libc-2.23.so

Need help debugging shared library with gdb.

I am trying to debug a shared library and in my case it is:

The reason is that I get theese lines in dmesg:

[10081.433266] compiz[11346]: segfault at 7f30a4100010 ip 00007f309c36f44b sp 00007ffdde303aa0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7f309c2f1000+1bf000]
[22005.764635] compiz[16149]: segfault at 7f30e3456db0 ip 00007f30db85044b sp 00007fffaab9c0a0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7f30db7d2000+1bf000]
[48777.031064] compiz[25203]: segfault at 7f0b8e23b050 ip 00007f0b87edf44b sp 00007ffd51d15740 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7f0b87e61000+1bf000]
[78850.413793] compiz[4889]: segfault at 7f60ddbf2440 ip 00007f60d598944b sp 00007ffedc5e31b0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7f60d590b000+1bf000]
[84583.754783] compiz[8441]: segfault at 7f5f8c3930c0 ip 00007f5f871d544b sp 00007ffc436bb5a0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7f5f87157000+1bf000]
[100625.457854] compiz[15619]: segfault at 7ffffa967680 ip 00007ffff722844b sp 00007fffffffdad0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7ffff71aa000+1bf000]
[104234.596331] compiz[19076]: segfault at 7ffffa2dc540 ip 00007ffff722844b sp 00007fffffffd810 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7ffff71aa000+1bf000]
[112314.238115] compiz[22152]: segfault at 7ffffe232760 ip 00007ffff722844b sp 00007fffffffd810 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7ffff71aa000+1bf000]
[130828.195732] compiz[26013]: segfault at 7ffffa966180 ip 00007ffff722844b sp 00007fffffffdad0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7ffff71aa000+1bf000]
[225379.026592] compiz[19275]: segfault at 7ffff821b6d0 ip 00007ffff722844b sp 00007fffffffd7c0 error 4 in libc-2.23.so[7ffff71aa000+1bf000]

The address where libc-2.23.so is loaded does not change after time stamp 100625.457854 since I ran the command:

$ echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

In order to be able to load it under gdb.

What I have done so far is that I have established that the segfault always occur on the same offset from the shared librarys loaded address.
I calculated the offset by taking instruction pointer minus load address in python:

ld = ["7f309c2f1000", "7f30db7d2000", "7f0b87e61000", "7f60d590b000", "7f5f87157000", "7ffff71aa000"]
ip = ["7f309c36f44b", "7f30db85044b", "7f0b87edf44b", "7f60d598944b", "7f5f871d544b", "7ffff722844b"]
ld_val = [int(x,16) for x in ld]
ip_val=[int(x,16) for x in ip]
ip_off=[i-s for (i,s) in zip(ip_val,ld_val)]
[517195, 517195, 517195, 517195, 517195, 517195]

So using this information I got the offending line from executing:

$ addr2line -e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so -fCi 0x7e44b

Since I run Ubuntu 16.04 I installed the sources by issuing:

$ apt-get source glibc-source

Inspecting the offending line showed that it was just a comment.

/* Slightly streamlined version of consolidation code in free() */  

inside function:

static void malloc_consolidate(mstate av)

So I am assuming I am doing something wrong here.
Any pointer on how to capture this "segfault"?

like image 394
IgorLopez Avatar asked Jun 06 '17 08:06


1 Answers

So I am assuming I am doing something wrong here.

You aren't.

The symptoms you are looking at are 99.999% result of heap corruption, and since this is happening in compiz, there is little you can do except file a bug report.

To make a useful bug report, it would help if you could run compiz under Valgrind. Running it under GDB will not help.

I had gdb loaded with the library and breakpoint on line 4167 but no break even if I got a new entry in dmesg.

That means you are debugging the wrong process. Perhaps compiz forks helper processes, and one of them dies?

like image 138
Employed Russian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11

Employed Russian