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Need a smaller alternative to GUID for DB ID but still unique and random for URL

I have looked all of the place for this and I can't seem to get a complete answer for this. So if the answer does already exist on stackoverflow then I apologize in advance.

I want a unique and random ID so that users in my website can't guess the next number and just hop to someone else's information. I plan to stick to a incrementing ID for the primary key but to also store a random and unique ID (sort of a hash) for that row in the DB and put an index on it.

From my searching I realize that I would like to avoid collisions and I have read some mentions of SHA1.

My basic requirements are

  • Something smaller than a GUID. (Looks horrible in URL)
  • Must be unique
  • Avoid collisions
  • Not a long list of strange characters that are unreadable.

An example of what I am looking for would be www.somesite.com/page.aspx?id=AF78FEB

I am not sure whether I should be implementing this in the database (I am using SQL Server 2005) or in the code (I am using C# ASP.Net)


From all the reading I have done I realize that this is security through obscurity. I do intend having proper authorization and authentication for access to the pages. I will use .Net's Authentication and authorization framework. But once a legitimate user has logged in and is accessing a legimate (but dynamically created page) filled with links to items that belong to him. For example a link might be www.site.com/page.aspx?item_id=123. What is stopping him from clicking on that link, then altering the URL above to go www.site.com/page.aspx?item_id=456 which does NOT belong to him? I know some Java technologies like Struts (I stand to be corrected) store everything in the session and somehow work it out from that but I have no idea how this is done.

like image 869
uriDium Avatar asked Feb 09 '09 19:02


People also ask

What is the difference between GUID and UUID?

In general, there is no difference between a GUID and UUID. Both are 128 bit identifiers. UUID is defined via IETF RFC4122 whereas GUID was defined by Microsoft for the Windows O/S.

Is GUID () a good option for primary key and why?

GUIDs can be considered as global primary keys. Local primary keys are used to uniquely identify records within a table. On the other hand, GUIDs can be used to uniquely identify records across tables, databases, and servers.

Should I use GUID or int?

int is smaller, faster, easy to remember, keeps a chronological sequence. And as for Guid , the only advantage I found is that it is unique. In which case a Guid would be better than and int and why? From what I've seen, int has no flaws except by the number limit, which in many cases are irrelevant.

Is a GUID unique?

A GUID is a unique number that can be used as an identifier for anything in the universe, but unlike ISBN there is no central authority - the uniqueness of a GUID relies on the algorthm that was used to generate it.

1 Answers

Raymond Chen has a good article on why you shouldn't use "half a guid", and offers a suitable solution to generating your own "not quite guid but good enough" type value here:

GUIDs are globally unique, but substrings of GUIDs aren't

His strategy (without a specific implementiation) was based on:

  • Four bits to encode the computer number,
  • 56 bits for the timestamp, and
  • four bits as a uniquifier.

We can reduce the number of bits to make the computer unique since the number of computers in the cluster is bounded, and we can reduce the number of bits in the timestamp by assuming that the program won’t be in service 200 years from now.

You can get away with a four-bit uniquifier by assuming that the clock won’t drift more than an hour out of skew (say) and that the clock won’t reset more than sixteen times per hour.

like image 129
Zhaph - Ben Duguid Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10

Zhaph - Ben Duguid