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NDepend - Several .NET assemblies have the name {MyAssembly} but they are different




I've just started using NDepend and am trying to analyse a solution.

This warning appears when I add the solution's assemblies and it will not load any assemblies with the warning:

Cant' load the assembly {MyAssembly}: Several .NET assemblies have the name {MyAssembly} but they are different: ...list of the .dlls in the project which contain this assembly

What could be causing this? I am using a common AssemblyInfo.cs file as well as the standard one to set some common attributes but there are no conflicts between these attributes.

like image 939
David Neale Avatar asked Sep 08 '10 11:09

David Neale

1 Answers

David, the error is that in the set of input folders you provided in your NDepend project, NDepend found several different occurences of {MyAssembly.dll}. Meaning for example you have a {MyAssembly v1.0.1} file and a {MyAssembly v1.0.2} file.

Apparently this is something you were not aware of, so NDepend did a good job at exhibiting a flaw.

In the Project Property > Code to Analyze panel, hover the assembly {MyAssembly} with the mouse. In the tooltip that appears, you'll see several paths to different occurence of the different {MyAssembly.dll} files.

like image 74
Patrick from NDepend team Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11

Patrick from NDepend team