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navigator.serviceWorker is never ready

I registered a service worker successfully, but then the code

navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(serviceWorkerRegistration) {     // Do we already have a push message subscription?     .... 

hangs -- the function is never called. Why?

like image 891
Larry K Avatar asked Apr 26 '15 05:04

Larry K

People also ask

Why Navigator serviceWorker is undefined?

serviceWorker is undefined or navigator. serviceWorker. register is returning "Cannot read property 'register' of undefined" it's likely the issue is that the Service Worker is not running in a secure context. Service workers are required to run in a Secure Context (MDN Chromium), i.e. localhost and/or https .

What is serviceWorker in Navigator?

serviceWorker. The Navigator. serviceWorker read-only property returns the ServiceWorkerContainer object for the associated document, which provides access to registration, removal, upgrade, and communication with the ServiceWorker . The feature may not be available in private mode.

2 Answers

The problem was that the service-worker.js file was stored in an assets sub-directory.

Don't do that: store the service-worker.js in the root of your app (or higher). That way your app can access the service-worker.

See HTML5Rocks article --

One subtlety with the register method is the location of the service worker file. You'll notice in this case that the service worker file is at the root of the domain. This means that the service worker's scope will be the entire origin. In other words, this service worker will receive fetch events for everything on this domain. If we register the service worker file at /example/sw.js, then the service worker would only see fetch events for pages whose URL starts with /example/ (i.e. /example/page1/, /example/page2/).


A new problem is that the serviceworker is never ready if the page is hard-reloaded. Subsequent soft page reloads work fine. Google's own sample code fails. See the Chrome bug report.

The bug fix was included with Chrome 44.

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Larry K Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Larry K

Like said in the accepted answer, the problem is, indeed, probably because your service worker JS file is in a different path than your current page.

By default, the scope of the service worker is the path to its JS file. If your JS file is reachable at http://www.example.com/assets/js/service-worker.js, your service worker will only work/"be ready" for URL starting with /assets/js/.

But, you can change the scope of the service worker. First, you need to register if using the scope option:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('http://www.example.com/assets/js/service-worker.js', {     scope: '/', }); 

If you do, just this, you will get errors in the Chrome console:

The path of the provided scope ('/') is not under the max scope allowed ('/assets/js/'). Adjust the scope, move the Service Worker script, or use the Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP header to allow the scope.

/admin/#/builder:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope ('http://www.example.com/') with script

('http://www.example.com/assets/js/service-worker.js'): The path of the provided scope ('/') is not under the max scope allowed ('/assets/js/'). Adjust the scope, move the Service Worker script, or use the Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP header to allow the scope.

You then need to create an .htacess file at the root of your website with the following content:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>     <Files ~ "service-worker\.js">         Header set Service-Worker-Allowed: /     </Files> </IfModule> 
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Tristan CHARBONNIER Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09