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Navigate to a region quickly


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How to navigate in vs code?

Hold Ctrl and press Tab to view a list of all files open in an editor group. To open one of these files, use Tab again to pick the file you want to navigate to, then release Ctrl to open it. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+- and Ctrl+Shift+- to navigate between files and edit locations.

How do I go back in Visual Studio?

Access. By default, Alt+Left navigates back, and if you remove the Alt+Right shortcut for Edit. CompleteWord in Microsoft Visual Studio, Alt+Right navigates forward.

How do I search in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio 17.2 Preview 3 introduces a brand-new All-In-One search experience that merges the existing VS Search (Ctrl + Q) and Go To (Ctrl + T) to allow you to search both your code and Visual Studio features quicker and easier than ever, all in the same place.

Superfluous qualifier: This is probably a silly question, but...

Using VB.NET and / or C#:
Is there a way to jump to a region quickly, similar to the way you can choose a class and find functions / methods / events from drop-down lists? I have organized thousands of lines of code into neat regions but it seems like a waste if I can't find them quickly.

I now realize Ctrl-M + O (outlining) will basically give me what I was looking for, but the question stands.

Update: Since the community and myself can't seem to find a way to do this, the answer to my question is: No, there is no way to do this. With this knowledge, I won't be so concerned with regions in the future as their usefulness is limited.

Update 2: This question originally applied to VS2010. However it seems to be applicable to later versions as well. At least in 2015, it seems you can quickly jump between regions using keyboard shortcuts.

Relevant Question: VS 2015 shortcut for "GoTo Region" #region / #endregion