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Natural Sorting algorithm


How do you sort an array of strings naturally in different programming languages? Post your implementation and what language it is in in the answer.

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Marius Avatar asked Aug 29 '08 15:08


People also ask

What is natural order algorithm?

In computing, natural sort order (or natural sorting) is the ordering of strings in alphabetical order, except that multi-digit numbers are treated atomically, i.e., as if they were a single character.

How do you sort an array in natural order?

The natsort() function sorts an array by using a "natural order" algorithm. The values keep their original keys. In a natural algorithm, the number 2 is less than the number 10.

What is natural order in Java?

Sorting in Lists The content of lists in Java are sorted according to natural order. This means that, if the content are numbers, it is sorted as ascending or lowest to highest order when sorted. Similarly, characters are sorted according to their alphabetical order.

What is ascii sort order?

ASCII Order The main features of the ASCII sequence are that digits are sorted before uppercase letters, and uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters. The blank is the smallest displayable character.

2 Answers

Here's how you can get explorer-like behaviour in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python """ >>> items = u'a1 a003 b2 a2 a10 1 10 20 2 c100'.split() >>> items.sort(explorer_cmp) >>> for s in items: ...     print s, 1 2 10 20 a1 a2 a003 a10 b2 c100 >>> items.sort(key=natural_key, reverse=True) >>> for s in items: ...     print s, c100 b2 a10 a003 a2 a1 20 10 2 1 """ import re  def natural_key(astr):     """See http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001018.html"""     return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', astr)]  def natural_cmp(a, b):     return cmp(natural_key(a), natural_key(b))  try: # use explorer's comparison function if available     import ctypes     explorer_cmp = ctypes.windll.shlwapi.StrCmpLogicalW except (ImportError, AttributeError):     # not on Windows or old python version     explorer_cmp = natural_cmp          if __name__ == '__main__':     import doctest; doctest.testmod() 

To support Unicode strings, .isdecimal() should be used instead of .isdigit().

.isdigit() may also fail (return value that is not accepted by int()) for a bytestring on Python 2 in some locales e.g., '\xb2' ('²') in cp1252 locale on Windows.

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jfs Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10



Array.prototype.alphanumSort = function(caseInsensitive) {   for (var z = 0, t; t = this[z]; z++) {     this[z] = [], x = 0, y = -1, n = 0, i, j;      while (i = (j = t.charAt(x++)).charCodeAt(0)) {       var m = (i == 46 || (i >=48 && i <= 57));       if (m !== n) {         this[z][++y] = "";         n = m;       }       this[z][y] += j;     }   }    this.sort(function(a, b) {     for (var x = 0, aa, bb; (aa = a[x]) && (bb = b[x]); x++) {       if (caseInsensitive) {         aa = aa.toLowerCase();         bb = bb.toLowerCase();       }       if (aa !== bb) {         var c = Number(aa), d = Number(bb);         if (c == aa && d == bb) {           return c - d;         } else return (aa > bb) ? 1 : -1;       }     }     return a.length - b.length;   });    for (var z = 0; z < this.length; z++)     this[z] = this[z].join(""); } 


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Marius Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
