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Native Code coverage with android soong build system

I'm trying to generate code coverage report for my native components with AOSP source code using soong build system.

I have extended aosp vhal but unit test cases are same as in below link. http://androidxref.com/8.1.0_r33/xref/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/tests/

Tried adding below to cc_test, cc_binary in Android.bp

native_coverage : true,

    cflags: [

     ldflags : [

Native binary unit-tests-coverage is generated in out/target/product but I can't find gcno intermediates for this.

Running below command gives me *.gcda files for each test files.

adb shell \
    GCOV_PREFIX=/data/local/tmp \
    GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=`echo $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP | grep -o / | wc -l` \

I have tried below links but not sure how to proceed :(

http://logan.tw/posts/2015/04/28/check-code-coverage-with-clang-and-lcov/ https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic.git/+/master-soong https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/soong/+/581341d%5E%21/ https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/e2fsprogs/+/fedfb27%5E%21/ https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/+/master/scripts/acov#23 http://androidxref.com/9.0.0_r3/xref/bionic/README.md#293

I'm not sure if google's vts framework can be used here to generate native code coverage. https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/android-vts-8/#6

"gcnodir" is generated but not sure how to make use of it. /coverage/data/nativetest64/vehicle-unit-tests-coverage/unit-tests-coverage.gcnodir

like image 774
Pankaj Avatar asked Jan 29 '19 13:01


People also ask

How do I get code coverage on Android?

Android Studio has a built-in feature that allows you to run tests with code coverage. Simply navigate to the src/test/java folder and right click. Then select Run 'Tests in 'java'' with Coverage (awkward use of single quotes theirs not mine).

What is Soong build system?

What is Soong? The Soong build system was introduced in Android 7.0 (Nougat) to replace Make. It leverages the Kati GNU Make clone tool and Ninja build system component to speed up builds of Android.

What is soong Android?

Soong is the replacement for the old Android make-based build system. It replaces Android.mk files with Android. bp files, which are JSON-like simple declarative descriptions of modules to build.

1 Answers

Posting answer to my question for other users on SO.

Install coverage tool :

  1. sudo apt-get install lcov (This should install lcov-1.12)
  2. sudo apt-get install gcc-4.6 (Clang generates .gcno approximately equal to gcc 4.2 that aren't compatible with gcov-4.8. Installing gcc-4.6 to get gcov-4.6 and invoking lcov with '--gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-4.6')
  3. Download LLVM 3.8 for llvm-cov to work : http://releases.llvm.org/download.html

All native unit test cases i.e instrumented binary needs to be executed on target. To build and emit clang's instrumentation based profiling. Example: http://androidxref.com/9.0.0_r3/xref/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/Android.bp#82 (Renamed to vehicle-manager-unit-test for shorter name)

  • export NATIVE_COVERAGE=true
  • Add native_coverage: true to test module in Android.bp
  • Go to: module-name/test
  • Use mm or make command to build native binary
  • Ex: For hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/tests/ : mma or make vehicle-manager-unit-test -j32
  • Copy coverage enabled instrumented binary to target
  • adb push out/target/product/product_name/data/nativetest64/vendor/vehicle-manager-unit-test /data/nativetest64/vehicle-manager-unit-test adb shell chmod +x /data/nativetest64/vehicle-manager-unit-test

  • Run test cases and generate .gcda files

    adb shell \ GCOV_PREFIX=/data/local/tmp \ GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=echo $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP | grep -o / | wc -l \ /data/nativetest64/vehicle-manager-unit-test

  • adb shell find -iname *.gcda

  • adb pull /data/local/tmp/proc/self/cwd/out/soong/.intermediates/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/vehicle-manager-unit-test/android_x86_64_silvermont_vendor_cov/obj/hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/2.0/default/tests/ .(Destination folder)

  • Extract GCNO files from GCNODIR (archive file generated at out/overage/data/nativetest64/vendor/vehicle-manager-unit-test ) to same folder with GCDA files

  • llvm-cov gcov -f -b *.gcda (https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-cov.html )

  • lcov --directory . --base-directory . --gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-4.6 --capture -o cov.info (http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php)

  • genhtml cov.info -o output

sample coverage report for vhal 2.0 Here's the script which wraps all these commands: https://gist.github.com/pankajgangwar/f070b8b54e83543f8e3638dcd2cae1b8

like image 60
Pankaj Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 03:11
