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n-tier architecture: best place to store business objects?

Say I have a 3-tier architecture (UI, Business, and Data). Usually, I create a 4th project called "Model" or "Common" to keep my data access objects and each of the other projects would then use this project.

Now I'm working on a project where some of my data access objects have methods like Save() etc that need access to the Data project. So, I would have a circular reference if I attempted to use the Model/Common project in the Data project.

In this scenario, where is the best place to keep the data access objects? I could keep it within the Data project itself, but then my UI project which needs to know about the data access objects, would need to access the Data layer, which is not good.

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Prabhu Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 04:12


1 Answers

I don't think you have your n-tier quite right. It sounds like you're building more 2-tier systems.

In a real 3-tier project, only your data tier is allowed to talk to the database. You have that with your "Model" or "Common" projects. Those projects are your data tier. But where you veer off is that only the business tier should be allowed to talk to them. Your presentation code should not be allowed to talk to the data tier projects at all.

n-Tier comes in when you have more than 3 "tiers", but the same principle appliers: each tier only knows how to use (and only needs a reference to) the one below it, and then provides an api for the tier above it. In my own projects, I take your typical presentation, business, and data tiers and provide a 4th "translation" tier between business and data. This way the data tier can return generic types like dataset, datatable, and datarow, and the business tier only has to work in terms of strongly-typed business objects. The translation tier only converts between the generic data objects and strongly-typed objects. This way a change to one of the traditional tiers is less likely to require a change in another.

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Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 01:01

Joel Coehoorn