I'm developing an N-body algorithm in CUDA and I would like to learn some tips and tricks for optimization.
I've managed to get 16384
bodies to run at 20Flops
on an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 260, which has 27
Streaming Multiprocessors.
The KernelcomputeForces
function is the slow poke taking about 95%
of the time and I was wondering if there is anymore that I can do to optimize my code.
As far as I see, I've optimized for memory-space-locality and memory-writing. Somewhere in the CUDA docs, it says shared-memory is faster but I dont see how I can make use of that. I've divided the work in 16
blocks with 512
threads on each, but thats a bit fuzzy for me.
Please help and thanks for reading this.
n is number of bodies
gm is the gpu mass pointer
gpx is the gpu position x pointer
gpy is the gpu position y pointer
gpz is the gpu position z pointer
gfx is the gpu force x pointer
gfy is the gpu force y pointer
gfz is the gpu force z pointer
The relevant kernel function
__global__ void KernelcomputeForces( unsigned int n, float* gm, float* gpx, float* gpy, float* gpz, float* gfx, float* gfy, float* gfz ){
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int numThreads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
float GRAVITY = 0.00001f;
//compare all with all
for( unsigned int ia=tid; ia<n; ia+=numThreads ){
float lfx = 0.0f;
float lfy = 0.0f;
float lfz = 0.0f;
for( unsigned int ib=0; ib<n; ib++ ){
//compute distance
float dx = ( gpx[ib] - gpx[ia]);
float dy = ( gpy[ib] - gpy[ia] );
float dz = ( gpz[ib] - gpz[ia] );
//float distance = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz );
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
//prevent slingshots and division by zero
//distance += 0.1f;
distanceSquared += 0.01f;
//calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
//float magnitude = GRAVITY * ( gm[ia] * gm[ib] ) / ( distance * distance * distance * distance );
float magnitude = GRAVITY * ( gm[ia] * gm[ib] ) / ( distanceSquared );
//calculate forces for the bodies
//magnitude times direction
lfx += magnitude * ( dx );
lfy += magnitude * ( dy );
lfz += magnitude * ( dz );
//stores local memory to global memory
gfx[ia] = lfx;
gfy[ia] = lfy;
gfz[ia] = lfz;
extern void GPUcomputeForces( unsigned int n, float* gm, float* gpx, float* gpy, float* gpz, float* gfx, float* gfy, float* gfz ){
dim3 gridDim( 16, 1, 1 ); //specifys how many blocks in three possible dimensions
dim3 blockDim( 512, 1, 1 ); //threads per block
KernelcomputeForces<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>( n, gm, gpx, gpy, gpz, gfx, gfy, gfz );
Shared memory is going to be a useful optimization in this sort of kernel - it allows coalescing of the reads of particle positions and masses, which on a GT200 will be very important. I found this to be about twice as fast as your version (launched with your 16384 particles using a 128 blocks of 128 threads):
template<int blocksize>
void KernelcomputeForces1( unsigned int n1, float* gm, float* gpx,
float* gpy, float* gpz, float* gfx, float* gfy, float* gfz )
__shared__ float lgpx[blocksize], lgpy[blocksize],
lgpz[blocksize], lgm[blocksize];
const float GRAVITY = 0.00001f;
//compare all with all
float lfx = 0.0f, lfy = 0.0f, lfz = 0.0f;
int ia = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
float lgpx0 = gpx[ia], lgpy0 = gpy[ia],
lgpz0 = gpz[ia], lgm0 = gm[ia];
for( unsigned int ib=0; ib<n1; ib+=blocksize ){
lgpx[threadIdx.x] = gpx[ib + threadIdx.x];
lgpy[threadIdx.x] = gpy[ib + threadIdx.x];
lgpz[threadIdx.x] = gpz[ib + threadIdx.x];
lgm[threadIdx.x] = gm[ib + threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<blocksize; ic++) {
//compute distance
float dx = ( lgpx[ic] - lgpx0 );
float dy = ( lgpy[ic] - lgpy0 );
float dz = ( lgpz[ic] - lgpz0 );
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
//prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += 0.01f;
//calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITY * ( lgm0 * lgm[ic] )
/ ( distanceSquared );
//calculate forces for the bodies
//magnitude times direction
lfx += magnitude * ( dx );
lfy += magnitude * ( dy );
lfz += magnitude * ( dz );
//stores local memory to global memory
gfx[ia] = lfx;
gfy[ia] = lfy;
gfz[ia] = lfz;
You would need to do something a little different for the number of particles which fall outside the nice multiple of block size, probably a second stanza which won't be unrolled. Watch the potential for warp divergence with the __syncthreads() calls, that can make the kernel hang if you are not careful.
@talonmies has already answered this question, showing how shared memory is helpful to improve performance. So, there is not much more to add. I just want to provide a full code, with different optimization steps, including tiling, shared memory, and shuffle operations, and show some results of a testing performed on a Kepler K20c.
The code below, moulded around what presented by @talonmies, has 5
kernel functions, namely
: no optimization
: exploits tiling in the source masses and shared memory
: exploits tiling in the destination masses
: exploits both tiling in the source and destination masses and exploits shared memory
: same as above, but uses shuffle operations instead of shared memory.
Perhaps, as compared to what already published in the literature (Fast N-Body Simulation with CUDA) and what already available as codes (see the above answers and Mark Harris' GitHub N-body page, the last kernel is the only new thing. But I have played a bit with N-body, and found it useful to post this answer, potentially useful to next users.
Here is the code
#include <stdio.h>
#define GRAVITATIONAL_CONST 6.67*1e−11
#define SOFTENING 1e-9f
#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
/* iDivUp */
int iDivUp(int a, int b) { return ((a % b) != 0) ? (a / b + 1) : (a / b); }
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < N) {
float invDist, invDist3;
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_d[ib] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_d[ib] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_d[ib] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_d[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Shared(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (tid < N) {
float invDist, invDist3;
__shared__ float x_sh[BLOCKSIZE], y_sh[BLOCKSIZE], z_sh[BLOCKSIZE], m_sh[BLOCKSIZE];
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=BLOCKSIZE) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
x_sh[threadIdx.x] = x_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
y_sh[threadIdx.x] = y_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
z_sh[threadIdx.x] = z_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<BLOCKSIZE; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_sh[ic] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_sh[ic] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_sh[ic] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_sh[ic]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Tiling(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_d[ib] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_d[ib] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_d[ib] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_d[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
void KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shared(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
__shared__ float x_sh[BLOCKSIZE], y_sh[BLOCKSIZE], z_sh[BLOCKSIZE], m_sh[BLOCKSIZE];
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=BLOCKSIZE) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
x_sh[threadIdx.x] = x_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
y_sh[threadIdx.x] = y_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
z_sh[threadIdx.x] = z_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
m_sh[threadIdx.x] = m_d[ib + threadIdx.x];
#pragma unroll
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<BLOCKSIZE; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_sh[ic] - x_reg);
float dy = (y_sh[ic] - y_reg);
float dz = (z_sh[ic] - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * m_sh[ic]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
oid KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shuffle(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N)
float invDist, invDist3;
const int laneid = threadIdx.x & 31;
for (unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
tid < N;
tid += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
// --- Initialize register accumulators for forces
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Move target particle data to registers
float x_reg = x_d[tid], y_reg = y_d[tid], z_reg = z_d[tid], m_reg = m_d[tid];
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib+=32) {
// --- Loading data to shared memory
float x_src = x_d[ib + laneid];
float y_src = y_d[ib + laneid];
float z_src = z_d[ib + laneid];
float m_src = m_d[ib + laneid];
#pragma unroll 32
for(unsigned int ic=0; ic<32; ic++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (__shfl(x_src, ic) - x_reg);
float dy = (__shfl(y_src, ic) - y_reg);
float dz = (__shfl(z_src, ic) - z_reg);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = rsqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_reg * __shfl(m_src, ic)) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_d[tid] = fx_temp;
fy_d[tid] = fy_temp;
fz_d[tid] = fz_temp;
template<int BLOCKSIZE>
float GPUcomputeForces(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N) {
float time;
dim3 grid(iDivUp(N,BLOCKSIZE), 1, 1); // --- Specifys how many blocks in three possible dimensions
dim3 block(BLOCKSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Threads per block
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(start, 0));
KernelcomputeForces_Shared<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
//KernelcomputeForces_Tiling<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
//KernelcomputeForces<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(stop, 0));
gpuErrchk(cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop));
return time;
template<int GRIDSIZE, int BLOCKSIZE>
float GPUcomputeForces_Tiling(float* m_d, float* x_d, float* y_d, float* z_d, float* fx_d, float* fy_d, float* fz_d, unsigned int N) {
float time;
dim3 grid(GRIDSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Specifys how many blocks in three possible dimensions
dim3 block(BLOCKSIZE, 1, 1); // --- Threads per block
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(start, 0));
//KernelcomputeForces_Tiling<BLOCKSIZE><<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
KernelcomputeForces_Tiling_Shuffle<<<grid, block>>>(m_d, x_d, y_d, z_d, fx_d, fy_d, fz_d, N);
gpuErrchk(cudaEventRecord(stop, 0));
gpuErrchk(cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop));
return time;
void CPUcomputeForces(float* m_h, float* x_h, float* y_h, float* z_h, float* fx_h, float* fy_h, float* fz_h, unsigned int N) {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) {
float invDist, invDist3;
float fx_temp = 0.0f, fy_temp = 0.0f, fz_temp = 0.0f;
// --- Interact all with all
for(unsigned int ib=0; ib<N; ib++) {
// --- Compute relative distances
float dx = (x_h[ib] - x_h[i]);
float dy = (y_h[ib] - y_h[i]);
float dz = (z_h[ib] - z_h[i]);
float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
// --- Prevent slingshots and division by zero
distanceSquared += SOFTENING;
float invDist = 1.f / sqrtf(distanceSquared);
float invDist3 = invDist * invDist * invDist;
// --- Calculate gravitational magnitude between the bodies
float magnitude = GRAVITATIONAL_CONST * (m_h[i] * m_h[ib]) * invDist3;
// --- Calculate forces for the bodies: magnitude times direction
fx_temp += magnitude*dx;
fy_temp += magnitude*dy;
fz_temp += magnitude*dz;
// --- Stores local memory to global memory
fx_h[i] = fx_temp;
fy_h[i] = fy_temp;
fz_h[i] = fz_temp;
/* MAIN */
int main(void)
const int N = 16384;
size_t gsize = sizeof(float) * size_t(N);
float * g[10], * _g[7];
for(int i=0; i<7; i++) gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc((void **)&_g[i], gsize));
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) g[i] = (float *)malloc(gsize);
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
*(g[j]+i) = (float)rand();
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(_g[i], g[i], gsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// --- Warm up to take context establishment time out.
// --- Bench runs
printf("1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces<32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("8, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<8,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("4, 1024: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<4,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("8, 512: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<8,512> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("16, 256: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<16,256> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<128,128>(_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("32, 128: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<32,128> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256,64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<256,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<128,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("64, 64: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<64,64> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("512,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("256,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
printf("128,32: %f\n", GPUcomputeForces_Tiling<512,32> (_g[0],_g[1],_g[2],_g[3],_g[4],_g[5],_g[6],N));
for(int i=8; i<10; i++) gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(g[i], _g[i-3], gsize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
for(int i=0; i<N; i++)
for(int j=8; j<10; j++) {
if (abs(*(g[j]+i) - *(g[j-3]+i)) > 0.001f) {
printf("Error at %i, %i; GPU = %f; CPU = %f\n",i, (j-8), *(g[j-3]+i), *(g[j]+i));
printf("Test passed!\n");
return 0;
Here are some results for N = 16384
: optimal BLOCKSIZE = 128
; t = 10.07ms
: optimal BLOCKSIZE = 128
; t = 7.04ms
: optimal BLOCKSIZE = 128
; t = 11.14ms
: optimal GRIDSIZE = 64
; optimal BLOCKSIZE = 256
; t = 7.20ms
: optimal GRIDSIZE = 128
; optimal BLOCKSIZE = 128
; t = 6.84ms
Warp shuffle operations seem to very slightly improve the performance against shared memory.
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