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mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write



I am getting this error even if I have plenty of space on my drives.

https://sittinginoblivion.com/wiki/backup-failed-mysqldump-got-errno-28-write says its disk space problem.

I am using PUTTY and this command to export database

mysqldump -h [HOST] --port=[PORT] -u [USERNAME]  -p [DBNAME] > E:\[FILENAME].sql 
like image 813
Mangesh Sathe Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 09:06

Mangesh Sathe

1 Answers

Error Message

Backup failed: mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write


Insufficient disk space to store output.


Free up some disk space. You might want to track down the reason you're low on disk space too.

Source: https://sittinginoblivion.com/wiki/backup-failed-mysqldump-got-errno-28-write

like image 177
Maduka Jayalath Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

Maduka Jayalath