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MySQL Workbench failing to connect via SSH due to key

Trying to create a remote management connection to the MySQL server via MySQL Workbench v6.3.5 gets me an "ERROR Could not establish SSH connection: ('Bad authentication type', [u'publickey']) (allowed_types=[u'publickey'])." error message.

I've already tried the workarounds published on this older post, and this one as well but can't get it to work.

The SSH key works fine to establish a command-line connection via OpenSSH on terminal, but Workbench is unable to accept it.

like image 854
Óscar del Olmo Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 21:12

Óscar del Olmo

1 Answers

Ok, I have a solution that worked for me.

You cannot password protect the key.

It must be exported in Open SSH format.

Generate a new public key without a password and add it to your server. Then export it in openssh format and use that in MySQL workbench.

Let me know

like image 98
Hugo14453 Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12
