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MySQL user created temporary table is full

I have a created a temporary table using the memory engine as followed:

    id INT DEFAULT 0,
    string varchar(400) DEFAULT ''
) engine = memory;

When I insert rows into it I run into a #1114 error because the table is full. It explains in the mysql docs that changing the tmp_table_size and the max_heap_table_size don't do anything for increasing the size of user created temp tables, which is what I think I have here. How do I go about making this table larger?

I would love to be able to do this dynamically with a call to SET, but I've tried setting tmp_table_size and the max_heap_table_size and they are both well beyond the amount of data I am expecting in this table. So does anyone know how to resolve this error on this table? Thank you to anyone who helps.

like image 844
usumoio Avatar asked Oct 11 '13 00:10


People also ask

How long does MySQL temporary table last?

A TEMPORARY table is visible only within the current session, and is dropped automatically when the session is closed. This means that two different sessions can use the same temporary table name without conflicting with each other or with an existing non- TEMPORARY table of the same name.

Do you have to manually delete temporary tables?

The use of temporary tables, or temp tables in SQL terms, is common in SQL, but once we're done with those tables, they should be deleted, or dropped. Using the DROP TABLE command on a temporary table, as with any table, will delete the table and remove all data.

Where MySQL temporary table are stored?

An internal temporary table can be held in memory and processed by the MEMORY storage engine, or stored on disk by the InnoDB or MyISAM storage engine. If an internal temporary table is created as an in-memory table but becomes too large, MySQL automatically converts it to an on-disk table.

2 Answers

max_heap_table_size is a limit on the size of any table (temporary or otherwise) that uses the MEMORY storage engine. You'll have to increase this config option to store more data in the table.

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Bill Karwin Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Bill Karwin

In MySQL, by default, the temp tables created with the memory engine can quickly grow beyond the 16mb limit of max-heap-table-size and tmp-table-size because more memory is allocated per row than is usually required. In the example you provided, the VARCHAR(400) will allocate memory based upon the maximum string size, not the actual size of your data. Each character may require more than 1 byte for storage. Suppose each row requires 2kb, then it only takes 8k rows to reach the limit.

For many applications, this issue can be addressed by using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC as explained here:


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CQ Bear Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

CQ Bear