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MySQL: Use environment variables in script

Is it possible to make a sql script use a variable defined externally?

E.g. I have the following script:

UPDATE mytable
SET    valid = 0
WHERE  valid = 1

which I have to run through mysql command line several times, each with a different table name.

I would like something like:

SET table_name=foo
mysql -uuser -ppassword < myscript.sql

is it possible?

like image 259
Don Avatar asked Apr 22 '11 12:04


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You can pass a variable to a MySQL script using session variable. First you need to set a session variable using SET command. After that you need to pass that variable to a MySQL script. The syntax is as follows − First Step: Use of Set command. Second Step: Pass a variable to a MySQL script.

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First you need to set a session variable using SET command. After that you need to pass that variable to a MySQL script. The syntax is as follows − First Step: Use of Set command.

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1 Answers

Skirting around the environment variables, why not:

sed 's/mytable/foo/' myscript.sql | mysql -uuser -ppassword
like image 56
VoteyDisciple Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 10:10
