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mySQL - update multiple columns with a select returning multiple rows



I have a table of postcodes and I want to update each postcode with its 3 nearest neighbours. Ie to fill in the blanks in this table:

postcode  nearestPostcode1  nearestPostcode2  nearestPostcode3

KY6 1DA      -                -                  -
KY6 1DG      -                -                  -
KY6 2DT      -                -                  -
KY6 1RG      -                -                  -

I've figured out a SELECT query to find the nearest postcodes and here is one clumsy way the first row could be updated:

update table1 set 
nearestPostcode1 = (select query for returning the first nearest postcode),
nearestPostcode2 = (select query for returning the second nearest postcode),
nearestPostcode3 = (select query for returning the third nearest postcode)
where postcode = 'KY6 1DA';

However this will result in 3 select queries being run for each row update. It would be more efficient if there was some way to do what is expressed by this pseudo code:

update table1 set 
(nearestPostcode1, nearestPostcode2, nearestPostcode3) = 
(select query to return the 3 nearest postcodes)
where postcode = 'KY6 1DA';

The 'select query' in the above looks like this:

select postcode from postcodeTable 
order by <equation to calculate distance> ASC 
limit 3

Is there anyway for the rows returned from the select to be put into a form that they can be used to update multiple fields? Thanks.

like image 934
spiderplant0 Avatar asked May 12 '11 22:05


1 Answers

Update Table1
    Cross Join  (
                Select Min( Case When Z1.Num = 1 Then Z1.postcode End ) As PostCode1
                    , Min( Case When Z1.Num = 2 Then Z1.postcode End ) As PostCode2
                    , Min( Case When Z1.Num = 3 Then Z1.postcode End ) As PostCode3
                From    (
                        Select postcode 
                            , @num := @num + 1 As Num
                        From postcodeTable 
                        Where postcode = 'KY6 IDA'
                        Order By <equation to calculate distance> ASC 
                        Limit 3
                        ) As Z1
                ) As Z
Set nearestPostCode1 = Z.PostCode1
    , nearestPostCode2 = Z.PostCode2
    , nearestPostCode3 = Z.PostCode3
Where Table1.postcode =  'KY6 IDA'
like image 145
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10
