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MySQL update join performance

I need to update several columns in one table, based on columns in another. To start with I am just updating one of them. I have tried 2 ways of doing this, which both work, but they are taking about 4 minutes using mySQL commands, and over 20 when run in php. Both tables are about 20,000 rows long.

My question is, is there a better or more efficient way of doing this?

Method 1:

   UPDATE table_a,table_b 
   SET table_a.price = table_b.price 
   WHERE table_a.product_code=table_b.product_code

Method 2:

   UPDATE table_a INNER JOIN table_b 
   ON table_a.product_code = table_b.product_code
   SET table_a.price=table_b.price

I guess that these basically work in the same way, but I thought that the join would be more efficient. The product_code column is random text, albeit unique and every row matches one in the other table.

Anything else I can try?


UPDATE: This was resolved by creating an index e.g.

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_code on table_a (product_code)
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_code on table_b (product_code)
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cloudhal Avatar asked May 17 '15 22:05


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The most easiest and common way is to use join clause in the update statement and use multiple tables in the update statement. Here we can see that using join clause in update statement. We have merged two tables by the use of join clause.

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The MySQL Update Join is used for executing the update statement together with the implementation of INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN MySQL clauses in the server. This Update JOIN clause in MySQL helps to retrieve the data records from the related database tables along with modifying them with the query.

1 Answers

If your queries are running slowly you'll have to examine the data that query is using.

Your query looks like this:

UPDATE table_a INNER JOIN table_b 
ON table_a.product_code = table_b.product_code
SET table_a.price=table_b.price

In order to see where the delay is you can do

EXPLAIN SELECT a.price, b.price FROM table_b b
INNER JOIN table_a a ON (a.product_code = b.product_code)

This will tell you if indexes are being used, see the info on EXPLAIN and more info here.

In your case you don't have any indexes (possible keys = null) forcing MySQL to do a full table scan.

You should always do an explain select on your queries when slowness is an issue. You'll have to convert non-select queries to a select, but that's not difficult, just list all the changed fields in the select clause and copy join and where clauses over as is.

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Johan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
