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MySQL unique id or combined id

I have the following structure for my project and developer program:

developer table
developer name

project table
project name

developer _project table

Because a developer can be in multiple projects and a projects can have multiple developer I have to create a new table but from what I read is they don't tell what id should I use.

If I use an id auto increment + user_id + project_id will I have duplicate since the id is the primary key?

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zackaryka Avatar asked Nov 26 '11 15:11


People also ask

What is the use of unique in MySQL?

MySQL UNIQUE Constraint The UNIQUE constraint ensures that all values in a column are different. Both the UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns. A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint.

What is a unique constraint in MySQL?

MySQL UNIQUE Constraint. The UNIQUE constraint ensures that all values in a column are different. Both the UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns. A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint.

How to create a column with a unique UUID in MySQL?

Let us create a column called UID which stores a unique identifier that we get from the UUID () function for each record. We will use the ALTER and the UPDATE statements for this. We create a column UID of type text using the ALTER statement.

Should InnoDB have a unique AUTO_INCREMENT and a UN iQue UUID?

Having both a UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT and a UNIQUE UUID in the same table is a waste. When an INSERT occurs, all unique/primary keys must be checked for duplicates. Either unique key is sufficient for InnoDB's requirement of having a PRIMARY KEY. BINARY (16) (16 bytes) is somewhat bulky (an argument against making it the PK), but not that bad.

3 Answers

Use a unique combined key:

CREATE TABLE `developer_project` (
 developer_id INT(10) UNSIGNED /* etc... */,
 project_id INT(10) UNSIGNED /* etc... */,
 PRIMARY KEY dev_project (developer_id, project_id)

If you create an ID you will probably never use it since you will query the developer_id and/or project_id in your LEFT JOIN

NOTE: make sure the column definitions are the same as the developer and the project tables.

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Book Of Zeus Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Book Of Zeus

for many-to-many relationship, you could simply use composite primary key of two fields.

Example (assuming both project_id and developer_id is integer):

CREATE TABLE `developer_project` (
  `developer_id` INT NOT NULL ,
  `project_id` INT NOT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (  `developer_id` ,  `project_id` )
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Andronicus Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


A combined table (in MySQL workbench automatically called "developer_has_project") should use a combined primary key (developer,project). If you add a third column to this key (ID) it no longer has to be unique:


Using only the developer and project, it will work:

(1,1) <-- error!

Alternatively you could use the ID as the only primary key, and add a UNIQUE restraint on (developer,project):

(2,1,1) <-- error
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Tom van der Woerdt Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Tom van der Woerdt