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MYSQL - Turkish character



I retrieve datas from mysql

This is normally which i have in db

This is normally i have in db

Seçimler, Şirketler ve Siyasi Partiler

it prints

Se�imler, ?irketler ve Siyasi Partiler

I use sql yog and change some preferences in my db

i set Charset to UTF8 and Collation is utf8_turkish_ci

but still retrieve datas like that

Se�imler, ?irketler ve Siyasi Partiler

why? What's the problem ?

like image 621
snnlankrdsm Avatar asked May 04 '12 06:05


3 Answers

this problem sounds like you've missed to specify a character encoding somewhere. to solve this, simply make sure you've set character encoding to utf-8 everywere (it doesn't actually need to be utf-8, just the same everywhere - but if you've messed up something and need to change some places anyway, i'd strongly recommend using utf-8):

  • tell MySQL to use utf-8. to do this, add this to your my.cnf:

    collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci
    character_set_server = utf8
  • before interacting with mysql, send this two querys:

    SET NAMES 'utf8';
    CHARSET 'utf8';

    or, alternatively, let php do this afteropening the connection:

    mysql_set_charset('utf8', $conn);
  • set UTF-8 as the default charset for your database

  • do the same for tables:

    CREATE TABLE `my_table` (
      -- ...
  • assuming the client is a browser, serve your content as utf-8 and the the correct header:

    header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

    to be really sure the browser understands, add a meta-tag:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  • and, last but not least, tell the browser to submit forms using utf-8

    <form accept-charset="utf-8" ...>
like image 177
oezi Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11


You need to mention Charset to UTF8 in your selection query too.

SET NAMES 'utf8';
CHARSET 'utf8';
like image 20
Shaikh Farooque Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 20:11

Shaikh Farooque

What made the difference for me was to add these lines:

collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci

character_set_server = utf8

to my.ini file (at the end of the document) I have tried everything else but they all failed until I made this change. It's really been a great help. Thanks oezi.

like image 41
user2077997 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11
