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MYSQL subquery SELECT in JOIN clause




Ok... well I have to put the subquery in a JOIN clause since it selects more than one column and putting it in the SELECT clause does not allow that as it gives me an error of an operand. Anywho, this is my query:

    p.id as topic_id, 
    p.title AS topic_title, 
FROM forum_cat c
        LEFT JOIN (
            FROM forum_topic ft
                JOIN forum_post fp ON fp.topic_id = ft.id
                JOIN user u ON u.user_id = fp.author_id
            WHERE ft.cat_id = c.id
            ORDER BY fp.date DESC
            LIMIT 1
         ) p ON p.cat_id = c.id
WHERE c.main_cat = ?
ORDER BY c.list_no

Now the important thing I need here... FOR EACH category, I want to show the latest post and topic title in each category. However, this select statement is going INSIDE a foreach loop looping around the general categories which is found my main_cat. So there are 5 main categories with 3-8 subcategories.. this is the subcategory query. BUT FOR EACH subcategory, I need to grab the latest post.. However, it only runs this SELECT query for each main category so it's only select THE LATEST post between all subcategories combined... I want to get the latest post of EACH subcategory, but I rather not run this query for each subcategory... since I want the page load to be fast. BUT REMEMBER, some subcategories WILL NOT have a latest post since some of them may not even contain a topic yet! So hence the left join.

Does anyone know how to go about doing this?

AND BTW, there is an error it gives me (WHERE ft.cat_id = c.id) in the subquery because c.id is an unknown column. But I'm trying to reference it from the outer query so can someone help me on that issue as well?

Thank you!

All tables:

forum_cat (Subcategories)
ID, Title, Description, Icon, Main_cat, List_no

forum_topic (Topics in each subcategory)
ID, Author_id, Cat_id, Title, Sticky, Locked

forum_post (Posts in each topic)
ID, Topic_id, Author_id, Body, Date, Hidden'

The main categories are listed in a function. I didn't store them in the database since it was a waste of space since they never change. There are 7 main categories though.

like image 990
Peanut Avatar asked Jan 23 '13 15:01


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Can we use subquery in joins?

Subqueries can be used as an alternative to joins. A subquery is typically nested inside the WHERE clause. Subqueries must always be enclosed within parentheses. The table that's specified in the subquery is typically different than the one in the outer query, but it can be the same.

How do I join a sub query in mysql?

A subquery is usually added within the WHERE Clause of another SQL SELECT statement. You can use the comparison operators, such as >, <, or =. The comparison operator can also be a multiple-row operator, such as IN, ANY, SOME, or ALL.

How do you write subquery joins?

Rewriting Subqueries as JOINSA subquery using IN can be rewritten with the DISTINCT keyword, for example: SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN (SELECT col1 FROM table2); can be rewritten as: SELECT DISTINCT table1.

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The advantage of a join includes that it executes faster. The retrieval time of the query using joins almost always will be faster than that of a subquery. By using joins, you can maximize the calculation burden on the database i.e., instead of multiple queries using one join query.

1 Answers

It's hard to tell without seeing DDL of your tables, relevant sample data and desired output.

I could've got your requirements wrong, but try this:

  FROM forum_cat c LEFT JOIN 
       (SELECT t.cat_id, 
               MAX(p.`date`) AS `date`, 
          FROM forum_post p INNER JOIN
               forum_topic t ON t.id = p.topic_id INNER JOIN
               `user` u ON u.user_id = p.author_id
         GROUP BY t.cat_id) d ON d.cat_id = c.id
 WHERE c.main_cat = 1
 ORDER BY c.list_no
like image 178
peterm Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09
