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Mysql Stored procedure with cursor

Mysql cursor issue?

I have written a stored procedure which will travel's record from one table and insert those into 2-3 different tables using insert statements.

Problem is that i am checking if record is not exists in table1 then I am inserting record from temptable to table1 ,table2 sequentially ,but the condition is having some problem i don't know it its always going into else part.

Code sample is as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE `insertData`(In clientNo INT,In usedID INT)

declare mame varchar(100);
declare address varchar(100);
declare city varchar(50);
declare IdentityNO1 varchar(20)

declare cur1 cursor for select * from temptable;
declare continue handler for not found set done=1;

SET @clientNo = clientNO;
SET @userID = userID;

    set done = 0;
    open cur1;
    igmLoop: loop
        fetch cur1 into Name,Address,City,IdentityNO1,clientNo;
        if done = 1 then leave igmLoop; end if;

        //If no record exists in some records table1,table2.
        IF ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 
               WHERE IndentityNo=IdentityNo1 
                 AND clientNo=@clientNo) < = 0)
              INSERT INTO table1 (Name,IdentityNO) VALUES (name,IdentityNO1);
              INSERT INTO table2 (Address,City) VALUES(address,city);
              INSERT INTO tblexceptional(Name,Address,City,IdentityNo)
    end loop igmLoop;
    close cur1;
like image 545
user3122164 Avatar asked Jan 01 '14 04:01


People also ask

Can we use cursor in MySQL stored procedure?

MySQL supports cursors inside stored programs. The syntax is as in embedded SQL. Cursors have these properties: Asensitive: The server may or may not make a copy of its result table.

Can we use cursor in stored procedure?

Cursors are particularly useful in stored procedures. They allow you to use only one query to accomplish a task that would otherwise require several queries. However, all cursor operations must execute within a single procedure.

What is cursor in procedure?

Cursor is a Database object which allows us to process each row and manipulate its data. A Cursor is always associated with a Select Query and it will process each row returned by the Select Query one by one.

1 Answers

There is no THEN nor END IF keywords, the procedure cannot compile.
Check this link for proper syntax of IF statement: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/if.html

Use EXIST operator instead of (SELECT count(*)... ) <=0,
read this link to know the reason: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/andrew_kelly/archive/2007/12/15/exists-vs-count-the-battle-never-ends.aspx

               SELECT null FROM table1 
               WHERE IndentityNo=IdentityNo1 
                 AND clientNo=@clientNo
              INSERT INTO table1 (Name,IdentityNO) VALUES (name,IdentityNO1);
              INSERT INTO table2 (Address,City) VALUES(address,city);
              INSERT INTO tblexceptional(Name,Address,City,IdentityNo)

I recommend using some prefixes for procedure arguments and variable names to avoid ambiguity, for example use p_ for parameters and v_ for variables. It's hard to guess, looking at this code, which name is a column name, a variable or a procedure parameter. This can lead to mistakes and errors.

Avoid using SELECT * - this code will fail if someone will change the table structure. Explicitely list required columns in the cursor declaration:

declare cur1 cursor for 
        select name,Address,City,IdentityNO,clientNo
        from temptable;

The corrected procedure might look like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE `insertData`(In p_clientNo INT,In p_usedID INT)

declare v_name varchar(100);
declare v_address varchar(100);
declare v_city varchar(50);
declare v_IdentityNO varchar(20)
declare v_clientNo int

declare cur1 cursor for 
        select name,Address,City,IdentityNO,clientNo
        from temptable;
declare continue handler for not found set done=1;

    set done = 0;
    open cur1;
    igmLoop: loop
        fetch cur1 into v_name,v_Address,v_City,v_IdentityNO,v_clientNo;
        if done = 1 then leave igmLoop; end if;

        //If no record exists in some records table1,table2.
        IF  EXISTS(  SELECT 1 FROM table1 
                     WHERE IndentityNo = v_IdentityNo 
                       AND clientNo = v_clientNo)
              INSERT INTO table1 (Name,IdentityNO) VALUES (v_name,v_IdentityNO);
              INSERT INTO table2 (Address,City) VALUES(v_address,v_city);
              INSERT INTO tblexceptional(Name,Address,City,IdentityNo)
        END IF;
    end loop igmLoop;
    close cur1;
like image 67
krokodilko Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
