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MySQL (Stored) Procedure - parameters and query

I am trying to create a simple procedure with parameters.

CALL new_procedure('mode', 'ASC');

The first input is the column the second is the sort direction


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `new_procedure`(IN in_order_by_column varchar(20), in_order_by_direction char(4))

    DECLARE order_by varchar(30);
    SET @order_by = CONCAT('`', in_order_by_column, '` ', in_order_by_direction);
    SELECT * FROM `common_tags` ORDER BY @order_by  LIMIT 5;
    SELECT @order_by as 'c';


In the above example I have it only outputting the 2 parameters so I can see what's happening.


`mode` ASC


When I run the procedure with it's intended code, below.


CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `new_procedure`(IN in_order_by_column varchar(20), in_order_by_direction char(4))

    DECLARE order_by varchar(30);
    SET @order_by = CONCAT('`', in_order_by_column, '` ', in_order_by_direction);
    SELECT * FROM `common_tags` ORDER BY @order_by  LIMIT 5;



tags_id     data                mode        parent_id       position
1           Wood                2           13              6
2           Trippy              0           0               0
4           Artists             1           0               1
6           "Newest Additions"  1           0               11
12          "Natural Elements"  2           5               8

As you can see the results are not sorted by mode.

Any help is appreciated.

like image 570
Jon C. Avatar asked Oct 03 '13 17:10

Jon C.

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1 Answers

Unfortunately, you need to PREPARE entire query in this case:


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `new_procedure`$$

CREATE PROCEDURE `new_procedure`(IN in_order_by_column varchar(20), in_order_by_direction char(4))
    SET @buffer = CONCAT_WS('',
        'SELECT * FROM `common_tags` ORDER BY `', in_order_by_column, '` ', in_order_by_direction, ' LIMIT 5'

    PREPARE stmt FROM @buffer;
    EXECUTE stmt;



NOTE: Described approach should be used very careful, because it is vulnurable to SQL Injection attacks, if used incorrectly.

like image 133
BlitZ Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10
