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MySQL Sort Alphabetically but Ignore "The"



I have MySQL database that has a table with book data in it. One of the columns in the table is called "title". Some of the titles begin the word "the" and some do not.


  • "The Book Title One"
  • "Book Title Two"
  • "Book Title Three"

I need to pull these out of the database in alphabetical order, but I need to ignore the "the" in the beginning of the titles that start with it.

Does SQL (specifically MySQL) provide a way to do this in the query?

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Joe Hoskinson Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 21:01

Joe Hoskinson

People also ask

What is `` in MySQL?

Yes, you use backticks [`] to surround field, table, and database names. You don't really need it unless you are using spaces in your field/table names, or words that have special meaning in SQL (ie: from, where)

How do I sort by alphabetical order in MySQL?

Use the ORDER BY clause to sort the result set by one or more columns. Use the ASC option to sort the result set in ascending order and the DESC option to sort the result set in descending order.

Does order of columns matter in MySQL?

column order does not matter. This is purely a convenience feature. just to allow you to restructure your database table the way you like after it has been created.

2 Answers

You can use a CASE statement in the ORDER BY and the use REGEXP or LIKE to match strings that start with words you would like to remove.

In the example below I find all words that begin with a, an, or the followed by a space, and then remove everything up to the space, and trim away additional white space (you might have two or spaces following an instance of the).

FROM books
    WHEN title REGEXP '^(A|An|The)[[:space:]]' = 1 THEN 
      TRIM(SUBSTR(title , INSTR(title ,' '))) 
    ELSE title
  END ;
like image 106
Daniel Gimenez Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 18:10

Daniel Gimenez

I've seen some convoluted answers here which I tried but were just wrong (didn't work) or unsafe (replaced every occurrence of 'the'). The solution I believe to be easy, or maybe I'm getting it wrong or not considering edge cases (sincerely, no sarcasm intended).

... ORDER BY SUBSTRING(UPPER(fieldname), IF(fieldname LIKE 'The %', 5, 1))

As stated elsewhere, UPPER just prevents ASCII sorting which orders B before a (note the case difference).

There's no need for a switch-case statement when there is only one condition, IF() will do

I'm using MySQL 5.6 and it seems like the string functions are 1-indexed, in contrast to say PHP where strings are 0-indexed (this caught me out). I've tested the above on my dataset and it works

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Luke Madhanga Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 19:10

Luke Madhanga