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MySql scoping problem with correlated subqueries

I'm having this Mysql query, It works:

    ,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(category_en) FROM
            (SELECT DISTINCT category_en FROM categories c WHERE id IN
                (SELECT DISTINCT category_id FROM m3allems_to_categories m2c WHERE m3allem_id = 37)
            ) cS
      ) categories
            (SELECT DISTINCT  area_en FROM areas c WHERE id IN 
                (SELECT DISTINCT area_id FROM m3allems_to_areas m2a WHERE m3allem_id = 37)
            ) aSq
     ) areas
FROM m3allems m
WHERE m.id = 37     

The result is:

nom             prenom      categories              areas
Man             Multi       Carpentry,Paint,Walls   Beirut,Baalbak,Saida

It works correclty, but only when i hardcode into the query the id that I want (37). I want it to work for all entries in the m3allem table, so I try this:

    ,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(category_en) FROM
            (SELECT DISTINCT category_en FROM categories c WHERE id IN
                (SELECT DISTINCT category_id FROM m3allems_to_categories m2c WHERE m3allem_id = m.id)
            ) cS
      ) categories
            (SELECT DISTINCT  area_en FROM areas c WHERE id IN 
                (SELECT DISTINCT area_id FROM m3allems_to_areas m2a WHERE m3allem_id = m.id)
            ) aSq
     ) areas
FROM m3allems m

And I get an error:

Unknown column 'm.id' in 'where clause'

Why? From the MySql manual: Correlated Subqueries 
Scoping rule: MySQL evaluates from inside to outside.

So... do this not work when the subquery is in a SELECT section? I did not read anything about that.

Does anyone know? What should I do? It took me a long time to build this query... I know it's a monster query but it gets what I want in a single query, and I am so close to getting it to work!

Can anyone help?

like image 842
Rolf Avatar asked Mar 12 '10 20:03


People also ask

Why should we avoid correlated subqueries?

This is the reason you should be very careful using a correlated subquery with large tables e.g. tables with millions of rows because that can take a long time and could potentially block other jobs and queries from accessing the table.

Are correlated subqueries inefficient?

Correlated subqueries provide an intuitive syntax for writing queries that return related data. However, they often perform poorly due to needing to execute once for every value they join on .

How does correlated subquery work in MySQL?

A correlated subquery in MySQL is a subquery that depends on the outer query. It uses the data from the outer query or contains a reference to a parent query that also appears in the outer query. MySQL evaluates it once from each row in the outer query.

What is a correlated subquery and what are the possible issues with using it?

A correlated subquery is a subquery that refers to a column of a table that is not in its FROM clause. The column can be in the Projection clause or in the WHERE clause. In general, correlated subqueries diminish performance.

1 Answers

You can only correlate one level deep.


   SELECT m.nom,
     FROM m3allens m
LEFT JOIN (SELECT m2c.m3allem_id,
                  GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.category_en) AS categories
             FROM CATEGORIES c
             JOIN m3allems_to_categories m2c ON m2c.category_id = c.id
         GROUP BY m2c.m3allem_id) x ON x.m3allem_id = m.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT m2a.m3allem_id,
                  GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.area_en) AS areas
             FROM AREAS a
             JOIN m3allems_to_areas m2a ON m2a.area_id = a.id
         GROUP BY m2a.m3allem_id) y ON y.m3allem_id = m.id
    WHERE m.id = ?
like image 97
OMG Ponies Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

OMG Ponies