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MYSQL Query - Use format but no commas

I am trying to use format within an SQL query to suit a reporting package. I have numbers that I need to show as currency with two decimal places so I am using the format command to do that. The problem is that format also puts in a comma to separate thousands and the reporting package sum function cannot handle this so treats the formatted numeric value as text and does not add it in. The query uses:-

SELECT customers.name AS "customers name", FORMAT(contracts.charge,2) AS "contracts charge" 
FROM customers
ORDER BY customers.name

(the actual query is a lot more complex but this is the relevant part)

To explain more fully:-

If the numeric value is 123.1 the formatted output is 123.10 which works. If the numeric value is 1234.1 the formatted output is 1,234.10 which does not

I need to find a way to persuade the query to output 1234.10

Many thanks

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David Christy Avatar asked Dec 15 '11 11:12

David Christy

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1 Answers

This post seems to have a much cleaner solution:

Just use ROUND, this is a numeric function. FORMAT is a string function

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Reilly Sweetland Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Reilly Sweetland