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MySQL query time grows exponentially when data in TEXT column grows linearly

We have a table that currently has a TEXT column and the length of the column averages at about 2,000 characters. We wanted to see what the performance of queries that select that column would be if the average was 5k, 10k, 20k etc.

We set up an isolated test and found that as the length of the TEXT column increased linearly, the query time increased exponentially.

Anyone have any quick thoughts on why this might be. Can provide more info but pretty straight forward.

like image 674
Dan.StackOverflow Avatar asked Aug 11 '11 14:08


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1 Answers

One of the reasons for that could be because TEXT and BLOB fields are not stored alongside with all other 'regular' fields, so that database engine actually needs to pull these from another area of disk.

We'd need to see your query Is it just a lookup by ID field, or do you search in TEXT field? In the latter case as average length of stored text increases, so does the amount of data for the database to process and it grows exponentially.

like image 72
Mchl Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
