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mysql Query slow - IP lookup (banned or not)

I have on my PHP file a function that check if an IP is banned or not. For some reason my site is very slow and the problem is when I check if the IP is banned or not.

(I remove the code that checks and my site was fast again)

Here's my code:

// index.php - everything redirects to this file in the .htaccess
if(isIpBanned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
 die('access denied');
// rest of the code

here's my function

// config.php
function isIpBanned($db, $ip) { // $db is declared correctly
 $goodIP = $db->getRecord("SELECT is_banned FROM security.ip WHERE ip = '$ip'"); // this function works and return 1 or 0
 return (bool)$goodIP;

This query takes about 2 seconds to 3 seconds to run. Why? I don't have left join or other tables.


like image 753
Gino Sullivan Avatar asked Nov 02 '11 11:11

Gino Sullivan

1 Answers

  1. Put a (unique?) index on the IP column
  2. Use the correct datatype by converting the textual representation to a "native" one (an ipv4 fits in a INT UNSIGNED, an ipv6 in 2 BIGINT UNSIGNED): this will make your tables smaller, and will require less I/O during scans

and, as a side note, even if $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] should be safe, NEVER FORGET TO ESCAPE THE DATA IN SQL QUERIES!

like image 50
CAFxX Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10