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MYSQL query for a table




I have a table called visitors which contains IP and country columns.

Now I want to query the table such that I get unique countries from the table and display the count of rows of that country.


IP         Country    xyz     xyz     abc   axy

Now I want the result as :

Country     No_Visitors
xyz               2
abc               1
axy               1

I know how to do it by using 2 queries, get the unique country first and then again query the table for the country name. But how can I do it with single query.

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user1767671 Avatar asked Oct 23 '12 08:10


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1 Answers

use AGGREGATE FUNCTION COUNT() to get the total number of instances for each country.

FROM tableName
GROUP BY Country

SQLFiddle Demo

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John Woo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

John Woo